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On trains, the police will monitor observance of the mask regime

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UZ asks passengers to use masks and disinfectants

Police raids will be carried out on trains during the May holidays. They promise to remove malicious violators from trains.

The police, together with the paramilitary guards, will conduct special raids on trains running during the May holidays. Law enforcement officers will identify passengers without protective masks on their faces, who may be threatened with being removed from the train. This was stated by the head of communications and marketing of the passenger direction of Ukrzaliznytsia Oleksandr Shevchenko on the air of the TV channel House.

Shevchenko stressed that now Ukrzaliznytsya very strictly monitors the observance of the mask regime by passengers on trains.

According to him, a passenger may even be kicked off the train for refusing to wear a mask.

“This is a rather difficult question from a legal point of view. Theoretically, according to the rules of transportation, the head of the train has such a right. But to apply physical force to a person, if he refuses to do this, then he cannot take him by the hand and pull him out of the train. this he attracts the police, which, of course, must remove this person, “- said a representative of Ukrzaliznytsia.

He added that the company has established cooperation with the police and “there are cases, there are examples of how this happens.”

“If a person is adequate, then, as a rule, the situation does not reach this point,” Shevchenko added.

Ukrzaliznytsia asks passengers to use protective masks at railway stations and in train carriages.

May holidays: UZ will increase the number of trains

The day before we wrote that UZ resumed train trafficexcept for one area. Today, the ban on disembarkation and embarkation of passengers is valid only in the Zhytomyr region.

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