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I don’t know what you say, but I learn that Mr. Thomas Begas works at a very good pace.

He methodically and efficiently completes his ballot which he will have, I am told many surprises.

In the years of PASOK, they would have called it a “victory ballot” but…

Anyone who gets burned in the batter blows and the yogurt is called Lithino.

My village.

Careful steps

And because Mr. Begas got burned and sneezed once in 2019, he put his mind to it.

He knows that you don’t win with air.

So he puts the organization first.

And the daily contacts.

And of course the phone calls.

Because whoever thinks that only the “victory ballot” is enough without putting his ass down has lost the elections from today.

The attitude of SYRIZA

At the same time, the immediate stakeholders are watching the moves that SYRIZA makes (or does not yet make).

You see, the main opposition party has thrown all its weight into the national elections, almost like a miracle, leaving the municipal elections behind, as they say, for later.

The only important and official thing that has happened was the announcement by Giorgos Zapsa that he will not be a candidate again for the Region of Epirus.

It doesn’t go down

On the other hand, everyone is secretly proud that Mr. Natsis will not run again as a candidate in the municipality of Ioannito.


So life has two doors.

You open the first one and enter by cooperating with Mr. Thomas Bega’s ballot or you leave through the back door losing everything.

In a good way

However, Mr. Nikos Gonda’s contacts are also on the right track.

Who, if I have been correctly informed, will make the first official appearance with the presentation of the first candidates.

This event will happen by the end of the first ten days of May at the latest.

Tatiana constant value

As for Ms. Tatiana Kalogianni, her value is stable.

From the moment that, as I understand, brother Stavros will not deal with the Region, it will also move forward more comfortably and free from the stress of the family’s double descent.

She continues her contacts and expects to penetrate the empty space left by Elisaf.

A difficult part because this space is not characterized by ideology but by personal worship.

So from the moment the person left they are possessed by a feeling of empty content.

And for this reason it is difficult for anyone to approach them.

I would like to, it’s true

And let’s close with a reference to today’s municipal authority.

I personally would like this group that in the past was called “about Elisaf” to take the step forward for the post-Elisaf era to regroup and go down to the arena of the fight.

And I say this because from the mayor Dimitris Papageorgiou to the end of the group you can distinguish remarkable personalities

So why don’t they dare…


In addition, if they dare, it is an opportunity for them to answer (I am not saying to prove because they have nothing to prove to anyone) to those who said (and still say) that they were the children of Moses who were made thanks to him. End of story.

No. They were not only children of Moses.

It was a team with units that had and of course have personality.

And a strong one at that.

Yes. Moses’ personality may have been great but that doesn’t mean the rest of the team was for the… pit.

Here is the chance

So here is the chance for them to prove that they are here.

And to dare a descent of the faction in the elections.

Because they have nothing to lose.

In the final analysis, let’s not forget that the line-up with Moses second came out in the first round.

He didn’t clear the plate early.

And in the second the victory came from the complacency of others.


Let them think about it, I say.

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