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On the stake of the Bulgarian future –

/ world today news/ The speech of the honorary chairman of the DPS, Dr. Ahmed Dogan, to the elite of the DPS at the celebration on the occasion of the arrival of the New Year 2016 at the end of December. provoked the comments of many prominent analysts, journalists and other tutti-quants. At the same time, we witnessed both the dense silence and the vague speaking of such official factors of state power as the president, prime minister and government. Not to mention the opinions of the leaders of the key political parties in our country, as well as the scandalous press conference of the infamous Lutvi Mestan on January 7, 2016.

In all these comments, mutterings and “conference revelations” can be found various conflicting and sometimes mutually exclusive opinions and views, doubts and suspicions, as well as insults, like stones thrown recklessly, including against the speaker.

Ahmed Dogan is undoubtedly a complex, controversial, problematic and we would even say in many ways an ambiguous figure in Bulgarian political life after November 10, 1989. Pardoners can list many sins and “faults,” while non-pardoners would label them as crimes.

• The story of “that list” has not been forgotten. According to some sources, it contained over 1,300 names of Bulgarian intelligence officers, agents and confidants abroad, some of whom were killed because they served Bulgaria. It is said that other public figures known to the general public, such as the infamous Zhivko Popov and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the SDS government, Stoyan Ganev, participated in the preparation of the “list”.

Dogan’s role was to pass the list in question to the relevant officials at the Turkish embassy. From both then and today’s point of view, does this criminal act deserve the strict sanctions of the law? But do not the then authorities, who criminally and brazenly turned a blind eye to a treasonous act inspired by themselves, also fall under his attack? And what should we call the activities of the so-called Dossier Commission and its cherished goal of handing over the files of foreign citizens who worked and continue to work for the national security of Bulgaria?

• We all remember Dogan’s famous slogan that “Bulgaria’s road to Europe passes through the Bosphorus”. Wasn’t this a statement that we agree that the future of Bulgaria depends on the Republic of Turkey? And didn’t this prophecy inspire additional strength and confidence regarding Bulgaria for the neo-Ottoman incursions that we are witnessing today?

The questions don’t end there.

And how should we qualify, for example, Ahmed Dogan’s confession about the so-called hoops of companies? As a recognition of the realities of Bulgaria’s neo-colonial present, or as an affirmation of the Euro-Atlantic values ​​with which the DPS slowly and slowly opened the doors of all possible fortresses of Bulgaria – spiritual, cultural, economic and military?

And weren’t the “company hoops” the form under which the party leaders of the movement themselves became part of the unscrupulous, anti-people and anti-state oligarchic caste, and this emancipated them from our vile candidates for horsemen?

• In no case should we forget that the DPS, whose long-time chairman and irreplaceable real leader is Dogan, is part of the cruel and genocidal neoliberal policy led by the Bulgarian oligarchic political and economic “elite” under the watchful guidance of the mentors from Washington and Brussels against the entire Bulgarian working people. A policy ruthless to every citizen of our country, regardless of their ethnic and religious affiliation. In fact, this neoliberal genocidal-extermination model became the basis of the deindustrialization and deagrarianization of the Bulgarian economy, the deintellectualization and debilization of the Bulgarian society, the terrible demographic collapse and the looming national catastrophe of our Motherland.

In this sense, we can fully agree with the assessment of DPS as a “curse” for Bulgaria. An assessment, unfortunately, given by another curse, no less ominous because of the extent of the damage done to the fatherland – the so-called blue hope of the transition, personified by the swindlers and thieves of the SDF and their Prime Minister Ivan Kostov.

But in this case we are interested in something else. Something that it seems to us that some do not see, others do not want to see, and others try to hide. This is, in our opinion, an important point in Dogan’s speech. We can define this moment as a glimmer of hopeful realism. Realism, which today is so lacking in the Bulgarian ruling party. And he also expressed himself regarding Mestan’s declaration on behalf of the DPS in connection with the downing of the Russian Su-24 by a Turkish fighter on November 24, 2015.

“…What if a fire breaks out, what do we do?! Dogan asks. – What do we do if there’s a fire, gentlemen… We’re in the perimeter of potential military action… Or do you think that’s not possible?! I don’t want Bulgaria to become a victim, I don’t want our electorate to be a bargaining chip for anything. I don’t want to! Any other ideas call into question the security of life, the political meaning of DPS. If we do not realize this, then we are not in class. An unmeasured action of ours can give rise to such consequences that we later wonder about – but that’s how it was, but someone didn’t understand us, didn’t fully understand us, and so on…”

Why is this moment of realism in his words important? In our view, Ahmed is admitting something very important. This realism is an admission that practically denies a significant part of the declared belief of Dogan himself and of the policy followed by the DPS. The political practice of the movement is denied, and an assessment of its correctness sneaks in. Undoubtedly, this moment of realism is not quite clean, there is still much to be desired in this sense. But still, this is the beginning of a new direction. A new direction both for Dogan himself and probably for those who are ready to go with him.

For us, the people of the only possible effective union – of the social cause and patriotism, protecting the interests of working people, guided by the principles of social solidarity, social justice and social humanism in the difficult days of trials for our Motherland, this is our old, faithful and orientation suffered over the years. An orientation that we have always affirmed: “Bulgarian citizens with non-Bulgarian ethnic self-consciousness, be it Turkish or some other, are part of the Bulgarian people, part of the Bulgarian destiny. They must understand this clearly, as well as consistently act so that they do not become victims of foreign interests working against our common Motherland. Not to succumb to the manipulations of anti-Bulgarian forces. Because we are together in the lifeboat of Mother Bulgaria, and if it is overturned, punctured and sinks, we will all perish together and ingloriously, regardless of faith and ethnicity. That is why we must fight together for our common future against the national catastrophe to which our homegrown neoliberal elite and its Western mentors are leading us”.

And no one should be surprised and reprimand us that we do not express some noisy delight at the insights of Ahmed Dogan. He arrived at the truths that we have long proclaimed, preached, and supported. And for which we fight. However, if Dogan has really decided to go in this right direction, he has a long and hard way to go.

We know that no one is sinless in this world, but we also know that for every sin there is redemption. All-forgiving and all-merciful is only God, both on his behalf and on behalf of the people – the Fatherland, the Motherland, Bulgaria! Otherwise, we can’t help but be glad that the sparks of sobriety and realism are beginning to fly in places where we hardly expected them. And all the sons of Bulgaria, and Ahmed Dogan among them, we are responsible for it happening so that the sparks ignite the fire of the new Bulgarian revival.

Only the concentration of national energy, only unfeigned true love for the people of Bulgaria can be the self-sacrificing bonfire for our future.

#stake #Bulgarian #future

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