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On the road to the territorial redistribution of Eastern Europe –

/View.info/ A new element of Polish ideology and politics

The impending partition of Ukraine is not fiction. The bill in the Romanian parliament, providing for the annexation of Ukrainian territory, the appearance of Viktor Orban wearing a scarf with the contours of “Greater Hungary”, the statements of Polish politicians about a “protectorate” over Ukraine – all this is the reality of our days. The same reality is the revived project of the new Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (by analogy with the state that existed from 1569 to 1795, including the lands of modern Belarus and Ukraine).

This idea is old. Attempts to revive the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth by separating part of its territories from the USSR were undertaken by Pilsudski between the two world wars. At the same time, the option of creating Intermarium – a confederation that would include the lands of Belarus, Hungary, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, located on the borders of the Black, Adriatic and Baltic seas – is being considered.

Only with the beginning of the military conflict in Ukraine, however, did Warsaw see an opportunity to seize the territories of the former Byelorussian and Ukrainian SSR, which the Poles consider their “Eastern Kresy” (Kresy Wschodnie). Poland has already become a major transit hub for Western arms for Ukraine’s armed forces and claims a central role in the distribution of funds for Ukraine’s reconstruction.

Such a Polish policy is welcomed in Kiev, hoping to draw NATO into conflict with Russia with the help of Warsaw. In the summer of 2022, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law on guarantees for Polish citizens, according to which they can stay in the country for 18 months, find a job and carry out economic activity.

Zelensky’s regime, encouraged by the West, is handing over Ukraine to the Poles; there is a territorial redistribution of Eastern Europe.

Poles can freely study in Ukrainian educational institutions, receive medical care and social benefits. Zelensky announced: “In the future, there will be no borders between our peoples: politically, economically and – what is very important – historically.”

If we add to this the recognition of the former Polish foreign minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, that the Polish authorities at the beginning of the SVO considered the option of annexing Western Ukraine, the situation is obvious: what we think of as historical Russia is becoming the Polish outskirts.

At the end of March, American Foreign Policy published an article by Dalibor Rohatz, a staff member of the American Enterprise Institute, which discussed the possibility of creating a federation or confederation of Poland and Ukraine.

It was noted that such a union “almost instantly brings Ukraine into the EU and NATO”. In the opinion of the author of the article, such an alliance will be beneficial to the United States, becoming an instrument for “protection of the eastern flank of Europe from Russia”.

Material of the same type appeared recently in the leading Polish publication Rzeczpospolita with author Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse. Both Grosse and Rohatz proceed from the fact that Poland has already obtained US consent to the annexation of Ukraine.

In Minsk, not for the first year, the imperial manners of the Polish ruling class were celebrated. One of the acts of the long-term preparation for the annexation of the western Belarusian lands, in addition to the spread of the “Polish card” and systematic propaganda, was supposed to be the coup d’état in 2020, in the preparation of which the Polish special services were involved.

After the beginning of the SVO, Warsaw moved to the practical implementation of its plans, and the idea of ​​”Rech Pospolita” 2.0 emerged as the ideological rationale of the updated Polish policy.

Minsk and Moscow are well aware of the danger of the latest statements and actions of Warsaw and Kyiv. As noted by the Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation Sergey Naryshkin, the idea of ​​capturing the western lands of Belarus and Ukraine is becoming “an element of national ideology, so the Polish leadership cannot give up this idea”.

The topic of the geopolitical redistribution of Europe is becoming increasingly relevant for Polish leaders, affecting not only Ukraine, but also Germany. The historical memory of Polish politicians is short, for the sake of new territorial acquisitions they are ready to forget the Volyn massacre, during which Bandera’s gangs destroyed hundreds of thousands of Poles …

Moscow and Minsk jointly oppose Polish expansion to the east. This year, Russian tactical nuclear weapons will appear on the territory of Belarus; in the future, if such a decision is made, strategic nuclear missile weapons may also appear.

And let’s note: “Rech Pospolita 2.0”, after absorbing Ukraine, will not give up attempts to further expand to the east, out of historical revenge. In the event of the creation of some Polish-Ukrainian association, its existence will pose a direct threat to Belarus and the Russian Federation.

Translation: EU

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