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on the menu, meeting of the Chefs of the Elysée

A work, a creation, a dessert:

In 2004, chef Frédéric Anton whom she admires “he sings, he is modern she says of him” asked him to create a dessert in just 1 and a half months. The only rule is that it must be round. Christelle embarks on the challenge.

Christelle Brua will be inspired by memories of childhood and fairgrounds. She imagines her dessert made up of apple sorbets, carambars, cider, sparkling puffed sugar … It will become emblematic: the famous apple that you break coated with sparkling puffed sugar: “I wanted perfection, like the Puffed sugar is a very hard technique to master, I was blowing up to 60 apples a day, ”she explains in front of a room filled with highly admiring future professionals.

Journalists for a day:

What a pleasure this Thursday, October 15, 2020 for the student cooks and waiters of Lycée Stanislas to go to Verdun at the World Peace Center for a Masterclass, to meet Christelle BRUA, Pastry Chef and Guillaume GOMEZ, Chef, both officiating at the ‘Elysium.

Despite her reserve, even her shyness, the pastry chef lent herself to the game and answered questions from students who were impressed and curious to discover this woman who excels in the field of pastry.

The journey of a passionate:

She was led to talk about her career: “I am from Sarrebourg in Moselle, I started studying literature and then I turned to pastry making and cooking. My restaurant parents gave me a passion for French cuisine. “

Her professional career began in 1998, at the Arnsbourg restaurant, in Moselle, and that same year, she was elected “Best apprentice” in the region. She was then only 21 years old! In 2004, she was named Meilleur Ouvrier de France and became the youngest ever winner in the kitchen category.

In 2018, she says how surprised she was to learn that she was named the Best Restaurant Pastry Chef in the World. “I was getting ready to go to Morocco at the time and I had to give it up,” she said with a smile. She is the first woman to obtain this prestigious title.

Qualities but also motivation, rigor

Since May 6, 2019, she took the position of Pastry Chef at the Elysée and has a team of 5 to 6 people by her side.

To Mohammed’s question, which relates to the qualities needed to occupy the important position she occupies, C Brua replies: “work, tenacity and rigor are essential and we must above all give ourselves the means”

She managed to find a place in the profession at the level of the best and mainly in a male environment. She adds “to perform in this area, you need motivation and rigor”.

Through this exchange, C Brua delivers a humble and very interesting testimony for the young audience present who is preparing to follow in his footsteps.

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