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On the Helloteca platform, solutions are created so that young people can access a mortgage

The mortgage sector is gradually adapting to the new digital era, beginning to be located on different internet platforms and being accessible from any electronic device. One of the reasons that has caused this is that young people who are beginning to acquire homes use the mobile as their main means to search for any information and to manage their finances.

One of these platforms is Helloteca, one of the leading companies in mortgage management online for experience and personalized service. Thanks to this, it is possible to contract mortgages 100% that, many times, they are the most suitable for young people who have enough income to pay the fee, but do not have savings.

Mortgages that can cover between 90 and 100% of the purchase value

The main impediment that young people find when looking for a mortgage is that the general rule indicates that banks only finance 80% of the purchase of a property. For this reason, it is necessary to have savings that very few have at 35 or earlier. In any case, there are special opportunities and lines of credit that can cover between 90 and 100% of the price of a flat. The key is to have the information and the Helloteca network of banks to access them.

The conditions for young people who need 100% are the same as for anyone: have a stable job, a sufficient salary to meet the fees, impeccable credit behavior and have some guarantee or guarantee.

One way to arrive at the best option as the case may be is through the Helloteca service, which carries out a personalized analysis with the minimum documentation, brings each user closer to the best possibilities in the market and manages the mortgage until the signature. In addition, another factor to consider is that certain autonomous communities, in partnership with banksThey offer facilities through housing institutes. It is important, before deciding, to have all the information available and the experience of analysts specialized in mortgages.

Young people have special benefits and conditions to take out a mortgage, not everything is barriers

First of all, a rule that all banks follow to provide mortgages is that the sum between the applicant’s age and the years of financing cannot exceed 75. For young people, this can be an advantage, since It is possible to get loans to finance in up to 40 years.

Another benefit for this sector is that they do not usually pay opening commissions. Also, for those who have not yet turned 30 or 35 years old, the fees are lower at the beginning.

Currently, in Spain there are eight financial institutions that grant mortgages to young people and within that market there are different lines that, in turn, are adjusted to the particularities of each case.

The best way to contract a mortgage for young people is through Helloteca, which not only makes the best option available thanks to its agreements with the most important financial institutions in Spain, but also saves time, money, and goes hand in hand of experts and everything, without visiting a single bank.

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