Home » today » Business » On the health of the dollar after the meeting in Anchorage – Alaska – 2024-04-29 02:46:30

On the health of the dollar after the meeting in Anchorage – Alaska – 2024-04-29 02:46:30

/ world today news/ There was not a single major media outlet in the West that did not comment on the meeting of American and Chinese representatives on March 18-19 in Anchorage. They extolled US Secretary of State and “tough dude” Anthony Blinken, who tried to scold the Chinese delegation, which “came to impress the public.” However, one need only look at the Air Force report to see that the way the Chinese put the Americans on the spot was unique.

In Anchorage, the US was directly accused of inciting “attacks on China”, putting pressure on other countries and creating obstacles to free trade. And the introduction of the new sanctions against the PRC was compared before the talks by CCP Politburo member and head of the Central Foreign Affairs Group Zhang Jiechi to spitting on a table to which you are invited for dinner.

As for the old accusations of Uyghur “genocide” in Xinjiang and suppression of democracy in Hong Kong, simply put, Blinken was advised not to meddle in foreign affairs, refusing to discuss any matter with him. How did Washington take it?

The events following the diplomatic showdown in Anchorage show that Beijing is well prepared to deal with the US on an equal footing. Over the past twenty years, China has taken a strong position in world markets. If in 2020 the volume of exports of goods and services from the United States amounted to 1.4 trillion dollars, then from China – 2.5 trillion. China holds the largest dollar foreign exchange reserve in the world – 3.2 trillion at the end of February 2021. And it seems that Beijing will forge from the dollar a weapon to counter the US.

48 hours after the delegations met in Anchorage, a plane carrying Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov landed in Beijing. In the picturesque city of Guilin, home to the China Aerospace Corporation’s electronics factory, he was warmly welcomed by his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi. The New York Post newspaper: “The Russian foreign minister began his visit to China by gaining support from Beijing to reduce the two countries’ dependence on the US dollar and to oppose US sanctions.” “

Well, after Anchorage, that makes sense. Lavrov said in an interview with Chinese media that “the risk of sanctions should be reduced by supporting the use of local and other international currencies that can replace the US dollar and thus gradually move away from the international payment system controlled by the West.” The Chinese edition of “Global Times”, for its part, noted that the Russian-Chinese partnership “is the key to balancing US hegemony”.

The two foreign ministers, Global Times noted, said that “the United States must stop intimidation, stop interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, and form groups to fight with other countries.” They discussed the Iran nuclear deal, peace in Afghanistan, the situation in Myanmar, Syria, climate change and UN reform, but the most important part of the talks was the fate of the US dollar. Its fate could be seriously affected by the concerted actions of Beijing and Moscow. The Chinese Foreign Ministry said in this regard: “The more unstable the world, the greater the need to strengthen Sino-Russian cooperation. China and Russia, standing side by side in close interaction and strong opposition to hegemony and intimidation, should be the pillars of peace and stability on the planet. “

Signed by the Chinese and Russian foreign ministers, the “Declaration on Certain Questions of Global Governance in Contemporary Conditions” was the first political document defining the new world order in an un-American way. In terms of the fate of the US dollar, this means that Russia’s proposal to weaken the dependence of both countries’ science and technology on the dollar by strengthening national currencies and gradually breaking free from the Western-controlled international payment system from Beijing has been accepted.

If Europe is thinking about creating its own system for international payments to get rid of the US-controlled SWIFT system, then for Asia this issue is no less significant. “China and Russia can work together to challenge the hegemony of the dollar, and a large list of countries would support this call and join the new system,” said Don Densin, director of the Wuhan Institute of Science and Technology.

Apparently, the new international payment system will be based on the Chinese international payment system, to which several Russian banks have already joined. Its endurance will be tested in the countries of Central Asia, along the “Belt and Road” route. One of the goals of this payment system is to become attractive to the countries of Southeast Asia (ASEAN) with a population of 649 million people and a total GDP of almost 3 trillion dollars.

Beijing, of course, understands the difference between the “weight categories” of the Chinese and Russian economies today, but sees Moscow as the “successor” of the guarantor of international security and the military power of the USSR, which has significant influence over many regions in the Middle East , Central Asia and Europe, which are key to the “One Belt, One Road” initiative.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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