Home » today » World » On the first day of the wedding, the wife kindly gave up her seat and sat next to her “Mother-in-law 1 acted very chillingly”: I really want to go home | INTERNATIONAL | CTWANT

On the first day of the wedding, the wife kindly gave up her seat and sat next to her “Mother-in-law 1 acted very chillingly”: I really want to go home | INTERNATIONAL | CTWANT

Getting married is an important event in life and there are countless things to deal with. There is a woman in China who is married to Hezhou, Guangxi. Unexpectedly, it was just the first day of her wedding, but she found there was nowhere to eat. She explained that since there were a lot of people in the family, It was hard to sit in a circle so she took the initiative to let her go, but her mother-in-law’s behavior made her very chilling and I felt like a stranger, which has caused a heated discussion.

According to “Sohu Video”, the woman got married away from Guangxi and had dinner the first day after the wedding. As there were a lot of people in the family he felt it would be too crowded to eat around the table so he offered to sit aside but also pulled his mother-in-law When he approached the table the others said nothing so he sat outside and he watched a table of people eating briskly, as he watched with his bowl of rice, looking out of place, and he said frankly, “Think too much right now. Go home.”

Women are treated as strangers. (Image / Flip from Sohu video)

After the video was exposed, it elicited a warm response and netizens left messages: “Forget him! This kind of man and family, I don’t know what to do in the future!”, “Useless man”, “This family is no good. , come home! “,” How will I live in the future “,” Why don’t you get divorced and wait for the New Year? “,” How can such a mother-in-law have a good life “,” Husband is not so well! “

However, there are also many people who doubt the authenticity of the video, “Was the video staged? Now for the so-called traffic”, “hype!”, “I feel fake, even the bowl is a prop one tantum “,” It’s a shame, there are so many people who believe it’s true “,” Do you still want to make a video? “

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