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On the first day of submitting the lists, no list has been submitted for the elections in Rēzekne region

On Monday, July 19, the first day of submission of lists for the elections in Rēzekne region, no list was submitted, the agency LETA found out in the region election commission.

According to the information published by the Central Election Commission (CEC) on Monday from From 11.00 to 17.00, political forces could submit lists for Rezekne County Council elections. No applications have been received from the parties.

Tuesday, July 20, from 10.00 to 16.00, the lists will be available for Varakļāni County Council elections.

Submission of lists for elections in Rēzekne and Varakļāni districts will continue until July 28. Election commissions have a set time on separate working days when the lists are to be submitted, but it is possible to agree separately with the municipal election commission in advance on another time for submitting the list.

It has already been reported that it will continue from today until July 28 submission of lists of candidates for deputies September 11 Varakļāni district and Rēzekne district council elections. Lists of candidates must be submitted to the election commission of the respective local government – Rēzekne municipality or Varakļāni municipality.

Lists of candidates for the 11 September elections can be submitted by registered political parties, registered associations of political parties, as well as two or more registered political parties that have not joined a registered association, the CEC explained.

Citizens of Latvia and other European Union member states who have reached the age of at least 18 on the day of elections and are registered in the Latvian electoral register and who are not subject to the restrictions on candidacy specified by law have the right to participate in the elections of Varakļāni County Council and Rēzekne County Council.

In order to stand for election to Varakļāni County Council and Rēzekne District Council, a candidate for deputy must meet at least one of the following conditions on the day of submitting the list of candidates: – must have been registered in the administrative territory of the respective municipality for at least the last ten months; a person must have owned real estate registered in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law for at least the last four months or in the territory of the relevant local government.

15 deputies will have to be elected in Varakļāni district council and 19 deputies will have to be elected in Rēzekne district council elections. The number of candidates on the list may exceed the number of deputies to be elected to the City Council by three candidates.-

The security deposit for the list of candidates for the council elections is 15 euros for each deputy elected to the respective council. Consequently, the security deposit for the list of candidates in the Varakļāni County Council elections is 225 euros, but in the Rēzekne County Council elections – 285 euros. The security shall be released if the list of candidates wins at least one seat in the election. If the list of seats in the city council does not get, the security deposit is transferred to the local government budget.

As in the local elections of 5 June, the number of the list of candidates will be printed on the ballot papers of the Varakļāni County Council and Rēzekne County Council elections on 11 September, which will be determined by lot.

As announced in order to comply with the judgment of the Constitutional Court, which established that the annexation of Varakļāni municipality to Rēzekne municipality does not comply with the Satversme, on June 1 the Saeima adopted amendments to the Law on Administrative Territories and Settlements and Varakļāni that elections in these counties will be held on September 11.

In these constituencies, resubmission of lists of candidates and other electoral processes will take place.

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