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On the chatch track, build a village. Te reigns on eskch horch anarchy, values ​​one of the tourists | Home

Prague Bn visit the Czech mountains in winter and 90 thousand people a day, especially the floodplain takes place during the spring holidays, their first tours started. This year, the popular mountain stays are complicated not only by the closed slopes, but especially by the desire for holidaymakers to stay in hotels and guesthouses.

The general family is at home with its distant stamps used, to clamp the remnants of its energy to enter the fresh air.

Staying in the mountains and on sale is not forbidden, on the contrary, it is emphasizing that exercise is a beneficial activity. The accommodation owner varies: short-term rental of a cottage or apartment, where there are no other guests or staff, restrictions are not excluded, the government does not regulate the housing market due to the virus.

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After a strict restriction on the previous business trips, when one parent reported to the hotel for business reasons, he was only accompanied by the whole family and the skis, such circumvention rules decreased. For that, look for mole pronouns.

Petr Vybral, the operator of the e-chalupy.cz website, which mediates holiday rentals for a short period of time, told Lidovky.cz that in the last week they recorded a seven-hundred percent increase in demand compared to the current average. The greatest interest is the tradition of the Jesenky, Krkonoše, Umava and Beskydy, ekl. For example, the cottage Roubenka pod pikik in Orlické hory is full of dog for the whole spring holiday, so and halfway through the usual.

The speaker was confirmed for Lidovky.cz by the director of the South Bohemian Tourist Board, Jaromr Polek, who added that, unlike tourists, this pin was a source of joy for those where the guest arrived. People there have nowhere to spend pensions and, unlike staying at a hotel, the regime does not apply to the regime of accommodation fees. Waste collection costs are only rising.

For example, Petr Hebaka, mayor of Janskch Lzn, has been watching the tourist camp since the beginning of winter. “Especially on weekends, it’s known. The negative impact on the city is large, it is still in the dark with the known decline, what you are missing the missing fees from hostels, told for Lidovky.cz Hebaka. The losses are estimated at around two million for this type of income alone.

The entrance to the rented cottage is not contradicted by the owner, but the salary is a condition according to which only one household can stay in a cottage, log cabin or apartment. It is not possible for a family who otherwise lived in several households or friends to sit there.

Behind the closed two private spaces, the rule is hard to enforce, and therefore it is also widely violated. Tom from Olomouc, who got a private hostel for a holiday through a Facebook group, considers the full destruction of accommodation services to be meaningless, even though he generally tries to follow the instructions.

“People meet the same way. I talked to the owners of cottages and guest houses and they would be willing to dream of capacity, even limit services. Te rech horsk anarchy, I suppose. During the holidays, he is going to the cottage, where he will be with his family and grandparents, who will meet again. “I would not go to a closed boarding house, even where there would be a foreign family, close.

Mountains as a risk area

The second legal way to spend a holiday in a cottage is to own one for these cases, the salary is limited to members of one household.

Among other things, the pandemic not only causes an increase in demand for short-term rent, but also for the purchase of holiday homes, which in the past were not the first in the course. It is, for example, the detachment of real estate and objects in hormone condition urns for reconstruction.

In 2017, the average cottage cost me less than a million. Today the price is half you. There was even interest in loneliness and semi-loneliness, which lasted a long time and folded, to Tom Hejda, talking to real estate agent RE / MAX.

The Ministry of Health discourages entry to the mountains. “The data confirm that the most problematic epidemic situation is in phranin regions, especially those with mountain resorts. This confirms the fear that some of them do not respect nausea and as a result aggravate the epidemic situation, said his speech Barbora Peterov.

According to the state of health information and statistics, the new cases are mostly in the Hradec Králové and Karlovy Vary regions. On average, mountain regions have reported 530 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants in the last seven days, while other regions have recorded an average of 465 cases.

The worst situation is still in the Trutnov region, where the disease is the fastest ever. In the last week, there have been almost 1,142 cases in a hundred per thousand inhabitants.

Let’s minimize travel between individual regions, especially in terms of phranin and mountain regions, the main hygienist Jarmila Rov appealed.

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