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On stage from the post office. Marvan went from role to role, apparently intriguing against Burian

Burian’s recorder

At the age of twenty-four, he began guesting at the Vlasta Burian Theater with a weight of thirty crowns for the performance. From 1926 to 1943 he was the court recorder of Vlasta Burian, as well as other actors of the pre-war era. Subsequently, he transferred to the ensemble of the Vinohrady Theater and from there later moved to the Municipal Theaters of Prague. In 1954 he then became a member of the National Theater drama, where he remained until his death.

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With his characteristic sober and fundamentally non-exciting approach, he was the opposite of Burian’s explosiveness and energy on stage. “Burian has enabled Marvan to exist in an artist he never dreamed of. Especially top actors, besides Marvan also Jindřich Plachta and Čeněk Šlégl, lived really beautifully with Vlasta Burian. Regardless of the crisis in the 1930s, “said film film and theater critic Vladimír Just in a television documentary from the series Stories of the Famous: Jári.

Factory and lawyers

Marvan first appeared on the movie screen in the silent version of Fake Cat (1926). This was followed by a number of small, medium and major roles in genres and qualitatively different films. He most often played doctors, lawyers, factory workers, clerks or directors. His pre-war and war partners were his colleagues from the theater – Vlasta Burian (Anton Špelec, sharpshooter, Adjutant of His Highness, Auditor, Heroic Captain Corkoran, Three Eggs in the Glass, Head of Station or Ducháček will arrange it), Jindřich Plachta (Heaven and Bagpipes) ), but also Oldřich Nový (Kristián, Valentin Dobrotivý).

He also gained great fame with the audience in the roles of professors in the films Journey into the Depths of the Student’s Soul (1939) and School, the Basis of Life (1938). His statement from this film “What is happiness? M – ú – ú – ú – ška only golden… !, “he almost became popular.

Lenka Vlasáková

I don’t want to go back. We consciously step on the brake, says Lenka Vlasáková

After the war, its stellar fame and popularity peaked. He created the characters of the good Bohumil Vosáhl (We are just starting), the dual roles of Bořivoj and Jaroslav Kohout (The Last Mohican), the tram driver Martin Plechatý (Nobody knows anything), the machine gunner Matys (Železný dědek), the old swimmer Váni (Plavecký mariáš), the chairman Václav Řehák Mars) or the director of the Fox (The circus will be!).

He also garnered great audience applause thanks to today’s popular film about the clumsy auditor Gustav Anděl in the films Dovolená s Andělem (1952) and Anděl na horách (1955). In addition, the third film, Angel of the Sea, was supposed to be made, but this shooting eventually came to an end.

Vaccine and kings

Probably his most popular character, Vacátek’s advice, Marvan portrayed until the end of his career in the television series Sinful People of the City of Prague (1968). And then in four feature films that followed this extremely successful series (Pěnička and Paraplíčko, Partie krásného dragouna, Murder at the Excelsior Hotel and Death of the Black King), and in one television film (Christmas Eve of Mr. Vacátek). He then created another big role – František Havránek – in the FL series.

Three wishes for Cinderella (far left and right offenders with a kiss)

The kiss of two men in Cinderella, Norway, went green. Czech viewers will see the full version

At a later age, he also worked, for example, as a king in the fairy tales About the Bear Ondřej (1959) directed by Jaroslav Mach and The Madly Sad Princess (1968) directed by Bořivoj Zeman. He also spoke one of the characters in the evening show Beetles (1966). His very last role was the administrator of Karlštejn, Ješek of Vartenberk, in the musical Night at Karlštejn (1973) – he was already filming it with major health problems.

What was he off camera

Humanly, when Vlasta Burian was accused of collaborating after the war, he did not stand up for him at all, but rather blamed him even more, even though Burian had helped him a lot before. Marvan believed he had intrigued him during the war. “In his memories or articles, when it came to Burian, it was more of a slander. He never stopped him. That is a great disgrace, “said Vladimír Just in the documentary Jári.

The personality of Jaroslav Marvan, as well as other stars, was also discussed in the Bohéma series.

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