Home » News » On Shrove Tuesday we honor the Mother of God – 2024-05-06 21:43:29

On Shrove Tuesday we honor the Mother of God – 2024-05-06 21:43:29

Today we pray to the Mother of God for childbirth

After Easter, Holy Week begins. It is called so because the resurrection of Christ brings enlightenment to all. According to the belief, on Shrove Tuesday, honor is paid to the Holy Mother of God.

On Bright Tuesday tribute is paid to Saint Mary, Mother of Jesus. Weeping, she remains by the empty grave of Savior with the sole desire to know where her Master had been taken.

In the past, during the Holy Week following the Resurrection of Christ, women would re-dye eggs that they gave away. According to ancient belief, the distribution of red eggs protected the souls of the dead from reincarnation. No weddings take place during Holy Week, as these are holidays dedicated to Christ’s resurrection and no other celebrations are regular. Don’t fast.

On the days of Holy Week, the saints are blessed: on Holy Monday – the holy apostles, on Holy Tuesday and Wednesday – the Holy Mother of God, St. Archdeacon Stephen and St. Andrew, on Holy Thursday – St. Ap. John and Jacob, on Good Friday – St. Ap. Peter, and on Bright Saturday – St. John the Baptist. This week is also full of bachelorette parties, the biggest of which is the celebration of Bright or Empty Wednesday.

On Holy Wednesday of Holy Week, two customs are performed, which are performed for rain, fertility, protection from hail, vagabonds and bad diseases.

Often during this week, housewives re-dyed eggs, which they distributed for the souls of deceased loved ones. This is because, according to ancient belief, the distribution of red eggs protected the souls of the dead from reincarnation.

It is no coincidence that for all Christians, the Resurrection of Christ is the greatest and most revered of all Christian holidays, which brought the light of salvation and enlightenment to all people on earth. The essence of this holiday is the promise that people will be able to return to the paradise from which they were expelled.

And Holy Week is the first of a series of Sundays when this bright news should reach everyone. The idea of ​​the Creator, according to Christianity, is not to make man suffer and live in this painful and mortal world.

He wants people to be happy in eternity. On the days of the services, almost all the texts of the scriptures from the New Testament speak of the last days – the Day of the Apocalypse, the sufferings and disasters that will befall the entire Universe before the second coming of the Savior. With his Resurrection, Christ the Savior has laid the beginning of Eternity and that, when the souls are separated from the body, they can go peacefully to where they deserve.

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