The work for the second doctor’s practice in the technology and education center is on schedule and well advanced – the exact opening date has now been set: General practitioner Vanessa Kreuter will open her ordination on January 18th.
Not much is missing in the record-breaking premises that had housed the “Waldviertler Zwutschgerl” childcare facility until autumn. The walls are up and ready to be painted, the furniture, apart from a few small things, is also fully assembled and set up. “All you have to do is assemble a few boxes, mount the covers on the lamps and perform a general cleaning,” summarizes Mayor Ulrich Achleitner during a tour of the construction site, which actually hardly looks like one.
The doors are to be delivered in the course of the week, probably on January 7th or 8th, an infusion chair will arrive a week later.
Both the budget of 250,000 euros and the tight construction schedule were adhered to. “A big compliment goes to all companies and craftsmen involved. It was a very intensive construction site, but excellent work was done, ”Achleitner emphasizes. The same companies were used as for the first ordination, and City Councilor Andreas Peschel was also involved with his interior construction company.
The doctor can now be reached by phone on 02847 40344. “From January 4th we have set up a call diversion on Kreuter’s cell phone so that people who call the ordination about an appointment or other questions can get through to Kreuter,” reveals Achleitner. The ordination times have also already been set: Monday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tuesday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., Thursday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., and Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
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