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On Saturday, the academic year of public education and vocational training – Dunakanyar Region – officially began

The 2024/25 academic year of public education and vocational training was opened in Dunakeszin in a ceremonial setting by Balázs Hankó, Minister of Culture and Innovation, Bence Tuzson, Minister of Justice, and Bence Rétvári, Secretary of State of Parliament at the Ministry of the Interior (BM).

Balázs Hankó emphasized: vocational training, which was updated a few years ago, now provides a profession, which in turn provides knowledge, understanding and identity. “Our goal is that the renewed vocational training, the Hungarian model, will serve Hungarians in the entire Carpathian basin,” he said.

Among other things, the minister talked about the fact that the number of people accepted from vocational training to higher education has doubled in three years.

He said that vocational training was updated in close cooperation with the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) and that it succeeded in Europe, but that the aim was to make vocational training a “world champion”.

Balázs Hankó touched on the fact that the development of system-level digitization was realized in the upgrade, and the students are also partners in vocational training, as they are mature, learn quickly, appreciate and value work.

“We also want to strengthen this value creation and partnership by supporting their start-up and career plans, because we believe that the success of the country is the success of the youth,” he said.

Bence Rétvári said that the government’s goal is for Hungarian students to be world-class even in a very difficult international competition. Among this year’s events, he pointed out that Hungarian students have won a total of 32 medals at the Student Science Olympiad. At the same time, in connection with the PISA measurement results, he drew attention that only 1-2 European countries are among the first. The school system in Hungary must train students who will stand the ground in 20 years – said the secretary of state Kuno Klebelsberg, indicating that there will be a very tough competition in the next 20 years.

The Secretary of State of the Parliament in the Ministry of the Interior also reminded that the foundation of the school system and the education system is a good teacher, and that is why it is important the salary sent launched a few years ago, according to which teachers’ salaries will increase by more than 32 percent this year and 21 percent next year. Including the last two years, this means that teachers’ salaries will increase by more than 93 percent in four years.

The Secretary of State also spoke about the use of mobile phones at school, and said that several international studies showed that the unrestricted use of mobile phones at school worsens student performance. He recalled that the answer to a question sent to teachers and school principals about a year and a half ago was that the unrestricted use of mobile phones makes the work of teachers difficult and distracts the students. That is why the government decided, starting this year, that mobile phones can only be used when they help with education.

He said: “Obviously, it can be used to communicate with parents if necessary for an emergency reason, and of course these mobile phones can be used before and after school hours.”

Bence Rétvári also announced that they will continue with school digitization, in addition to the 450,000 laptops, more than 100,000 new laptops will be available to students this year.

Justice Minister Bence Tuzson, the Fidesz member of parliament for the region, said that the students and teachers must fill the Dunakeszi Student Quarter, which has just been handed over to the school, and establish a good reputation, which is very residence is a difficult task for a new school man.

Regarding the development, he said that the building, the largest secondary investment in Hungary, would stand anywhere in the world, it is among the best, both in terms of quality and equipment.

László Parragh, president of MKIK, reminded that coordination, cooperation and the creation of shared value at different levels of education are essential for a country.

He emphasized: there can be no successful economy without successful education. “Education is the basis of the human resource without which an economy cannot function,” he said. He also spoke about the fact that preparation for the creation of an entrepreneur is considered essential in terms of vocational training.

At the ceremony, a short film showing the values ​​and traditions of the town over several decades was shown, in which the Mayor Csaba Dióssi – with the help of well-made film frames – explained the construction of the Dunakeszi Student Quarter, the most educational. center in the country, which has modern equipment, classrooms, workshops, sports fields, a swimming pool, a community with its places in the building that houses two high schools, it gives provided standard European conditions for 1,500 students and their teachers.

The inspiring experience at the opening of the national school year was the singing of the Dunakeszi song in the high-quality performance of the Dunakeszi Student Choir and in the performance of the folk dancers Farkas Ferenc AMI.
MTI/Danube Bend section

Photo: Edina Ligeti, Csaba Szabó

Dunakeszi, August 31, 2024. Minister of Justice Bence Tuzson, representative of the Fidesz National Assembly of the region, Bence Rétvári, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior, and Minister of Culture and Innovation Hankó Balázs (bj) will begin symbolically the school year in Dunakeszi, at the opening ceremony of the national school year August 31, 2024- I. MTI/Tamas Kovacs

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