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On patrol with the Offenbach city police: a day shift

Traffic offenders on the wall: City police officers Alex and Evren search the man.

© Reinartz

The beginning of a day shift at the Offenbach city police smells of plum cake, pudding pieces and freshly brewed, strong coffee. The salami pizza note of the night shift, on the other hand, does not go down well.

Offenbach – It’s just after six. Service group B sits together over breakfast. Service group leader Bernd Zeissler goes through the planned missions while everyone is chewing and slurping. This morning the long conference table has become the family breakfast table.

The idyll ends with the beeping of the radio. Within seconds, the troops switch to action. Alex, Evren and Marco sprinted to the bus. Two colleagues from traffic monitoring call for help. A recalcitrant wrongdoer is mobbing at the corner of Bismarckstrasse and Waldstrasse and has repeatedly given incorrect information about name and address. “It’s always suspicious,” says Alex and accelerates. “You can quickly get a nasty surprise.”

Person control in the stairwell.

© Reinartz

A broad-shouldered man is waiting on site who is visibly annoyed in his gray mini. The man’s tone is aggressive. The colleagues from the traffic service have long since moved into the background. The mood changes. While Evren and Alex are securing, Marco is unmistakably: “I will now give you one more chance to correctly identify yourself. Otherwise we will take you to the station and hold you there until we have established your correct personal details. ”The man is insulting, loud, yells at Marco. Meanwhile, the radio button in his ear comes in that the mini-man is a criminal with a criminal record that is as long as it is dangerous.

Alex, Evren and Marco change their body tension in a flash, ask the man to get out and stand against the wall. The man knows for sure: he has no chance against the three city policemen. He braces himself with clenched fists on the gray plaster while Alex searches his trouser pockets, waistband and sock hem for weapons. Meanwhile, the man provokes, trying to involve the city police in a battle of words. However, they let that run nowhere. “Now it’s off to the station,” says Alex firmly, while the man continues to scold.

The patrol inspects the office.

© Reinartz

Three insults later, the two Saschas go to Rumpenheim in the off-road vehicle. The residence permit of a woman from Africa has expired and she does not respond to letters from the city. The two do not expect to find the woman in the apartment block. But then the surprise. When the city police want to go into the house, the wanted woman comes home with a shopping basket in her hand and is visibly afraid of having to leave the country. In a conversation with her husband in the stairwell it quickly becomes clear that the authorities in her home country are behind schedule with issuing passport documents. The two can’t help it. When Sascha 1 explains this to them, the couple, relieved, hug each other and the patrol goes on tour again.

Evren and Alex in the warehouse: pallets of drinks without can deposits are stored there.

© Reinartz

In the meantime, the message comes that the parking offender with the wrong name at the guard still threatened a lot with his lawyer, but in the end he still revealed his correct data and paid for the administrative offense.

Then a chance hit on the Berliner. The driver of a white van drives without wearing a seat belt. Instead, he led it along behind him and put it in the lock so that there was no audible warning. “A lot of parcel drivers do that in order to be faster,” explains Sascha 2. And really: The driver works for Amazon and is remorseful. Team Sascha warned him urgently and let him continue working.

Then the next chance hit on the Mühlheimer. A completely demolished Mercedes drives out of town. Two dubious guys in it. Sascha 2 operates flashing lights and warning signs that ask the driver to drive.

Short vehicle check, then discrepancies. The vehicle was only registered with a new TÜV, but the damage is much older. “It should never have happened like this,” says Sascha 1. He will report the case to the admissions office. The occupants are much more worried than the battered car anyway. One looks as if he was completely upset, the other remains noticeably calm, wears flip-flops and has his arm in a sling. Again, a radio message from the control center suddenly turns a routine operation into a dangerous situation. Sascha 2 reports: The Schlappträger has 94 entries in the register. Mainly bodily harm. Sascha 1 remains relaxed, especially since it quickly becomes clear: apart from the demolished car, there is nothing against the two of them.

Completely overloaded: Sascha 1 checks this rusted van.

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Even a quick drug check does not bring any result. “We let the driver perform certain movements and can tell whether drugs are involved,” explains Sascha 2. The two guys then thread their way back into the dense traffic in the direction of Mühlheim with their dent Mercedes.

On the way to the station, Team Sascha noticed another transporter. The white Sprinter is so rusted that the door hinges are held together with large screws. In addition, the car appears completely overloaded. When cornering, it doesn’t bend, the tires are noticeably flat, and the car kneels noticeably when braking. A minute later it is clear on the side of the road in front of the Kickers Stadium: The transporter will not move a meter without an escort. The two East European inmates are obviously craftsmen, speak hardly any German and have shoveled a whole heap of building rubble unsecured onto the loading area. “It definitely has to be weighed,” says Sascha 1. The two escort the van at walking pace to the waste incinerator, where it has to be placed on the calibrated scales.

Completely demolished: A conspicuous Mercedes is stopped by Team Sascha.

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Meanwhile, Alex and Evren go to the so-called can deposit check – together with the tax investigation. Appointment in an industrial backyard on the Odenwaldring. First, a supermarket is checked that sells unpaid cans without a deposit. Direct hit. Even if the owner claims that the cans are only intended for private use. He cannot deceive the investigators. Some trouble awaits him now. A few hundred meters further back in the courtyard is an import / export company. It is the next target of the can deposit control. But the employees have apparently got wind of the operation. A silver transporter stands in front of a ramp with the sliding door open. There are chairs around a table with half a cheeseburger in a box, half full ashtrays and an overturned soda bottle. There is no doubt that the workforce has fled. Even the adjoining warehouse and office are still open. The city policemen advance cautiously, repeatedly shouting “hello!”, And the tax investigators follow them. “We always have to be careful with something like that, because someone could be hiding inside,” explains Alex. But after a movie-like exploration of the interior, it says: “Everything is clean.” In contrast, the business of the company owner is apparently less clean. Not only that there are pallets of untaxed drinks stored without can deposits, but also numerous plasma televisions and lots of hoverboards. In between, food was cooked with a gas stove, the leftovers are still there. The office has messie-like features, bills on the table, a rental agreement and even more documents that the tax investigators inspect immediately. Change of plan: The four emergency services drive to the owner’s private apartment and want to try to put him at home. “And if he’s not there, we might be lucky that the guys will come back because they think we’re gone,” Alex explains the plan. But it doesn’t open. The company owner has disappeared. And even with the attack-like return with approach from both sides half an hour later, nobody is to be found. The mission is canceled. “Sometimes it is like that. But at some point we’ll catch them, ”says Evren.

In the meantime, Team Sascha is also back in the city watch. The transporter with construction rubble weighed a whopping four tons instead of the permitted 3.5. In addition, the desolate condition and the lack of cargo securing. A heavy fine awaits the driver.

The day shift is coming to an end. Time for an after-work coffee. If nothing more happens now, everyone will come home on time. But once again it is the radio that is delaying the end of work. A confused old man at the Marktplatz bus stop has been reported. Alex and Evren turn on the blue light, are there a minute later. The man, around 70, wears a baggy peaked cap and an even baggy plastic bag. He seems to be of Indian origin, speaks perfect German, is extremely polite, but cannot find his way around. He lives near the embankment, but points in the direction of the Main. The situation is clearly uncomfortable for him, tears sparkle in his eyes. Alex decides: “We’ll drive you home. Is that an offer? ”The man breathes a sigh of relief. At home, on the fourth floor of a building in the back, he is already expected by his broken-up wife. Relief for both. When the city policemen descend the creaking stairs again, Alex says: “Sometimes a shift like this has a really happy ending.”By Christian Reinartz)

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