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On newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of 7 January: Laundry decree: null effects on hospitalizations and vaccines


Decree with the hole. Vaccine obligation over 50: “The effects only in 4 months”

There is confusion – There are still many points to be clarified. And the “tax” comes to the No-vax. Gimbe: “Insufficient and late measures”

Handle the virus

Agile work, Brunetta & C. and the supercazzola circular

Paradoxes – “Extreme flexibility” on smart working, but according to current regulations, that is, with work especially in presence. Yet the 2020 data on the PA are good

Government in need

The premier was “annoyed”. Now he risks the Colle too

Wrapped – The League attempted by the tear. The fear of early polls goes back


Two thousand principals: “Dad until 31.01”

The appeal – Executives against Draghi and whites: “Fears of escalation of absences of professors”

Gaetano Azzariti

“It is impossible to either vote remotely or postpone”

To sort out the horde of hypotheses put forward in recent days on the election of the President of the Republic, we asked Gaetano Azzariti, constitutionalist of Sapienza for guidance. Professor, how do you carry out electoral operations safely? The problem is real and it seems to me that the parties are showing a growing awareness. Hope the health emergency there […]


Seven months of ItsArt: very low numbers and the CEO Casali leaves

Bitter platform – Uphill road to “the Netflix of culture”

Theitalian job

The Diabolik of manuscripts: Italian arrested by the FBI

New York – Zelig Pen Scams Authors and Publishers

Quirinale: the positive election to the covid. The variants, Mattarella bis and Casellati

Strategy – The first time of the joint session with the virus between security, rights and rebus quorum. If it goes long, it will be re-election or regency

Colle Mission

Renziani, former 5S and centrists: B. chases 36 peons

There is a list, which in Arcore is updated by the hour, for the Quirinale operation. Silvio Berlusconi and his emissaries in Parliament have it, and they have to prove the enterprise of having him elected at Colle. It’s an abacus. Where the names of “convincing” and considered “approachable” deputies and senators are indicated, that is, those on which Berlusconi […]

Berlusconi at the Quirinale? No thank you

He smashes everything for immunity, but King George wants to save him

Twenty-ninth episode. “They arrest me” – Napolitano promises pardon and amnesty if he leaves, but B. listens to Ghedini: “Out of the Senate, end up like Silvio Pellico”

From North to south

Omicron effect on hospitals: the rows of ambulances are back

Beyond the critical threshold, ordinary hospitalizations and ti

Football in chaos. Serie A ranks the quarantined

The training, the players on the field without opponents, then everyone at home. Serie A is halfway through, with 4 games postponed and at least 2 played in precarious conditions. A league crippled by the schizophrenic decisions of the ASL (Verona played with 10 positives, but not Udinese with 7), which Serie A disputes […]

The alarm

Guaranteed loans, 27 billion bomb

Liquidity decree – Businesses are unable to repay, banks ask Draghi for help

Rising prices

Br, the press release on Moro: offers up to 8,000 euros

In the wake of the controversy, the price of a mimeographed copy of the original flyer in which the Red Brigades announced the kidnapping of Aldo Moro continues to rise. For lot number 43 of the “Autographs & Memorabilia” catalog proposed with an online sale by the Bertolami Fine Arts auction house in Rome, 34 proposals have so far arrived […]

Agreement to the ministry

Peace to Health: paid after months Sileri’s boss

Peace made to Health. The agreement signed between the ministry and Francesco Friolo, chief of staff of Undersecretary Pierpaolo Sileri, who claimed the salaries accrued in the months in which Sileri was deputy minister in the Conte-2 government. Health, on the advice of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, insisted on paying the salary as head of the political secretariat, […]

The charge of illegal hiring

The press acquits her, on the wife of the prefect, however, the investigating judge writes: “Confirmed evidence framework”

“The prefect’s wife is innocent, but the prefect is jubilant. Thanks pm “. In large letters yesterday Il Riformista dedicated the opening of the newspaper to the news of the revocation of the mandatory signature and residence measures to which Rosalba Livrerio Bisceglia, agricultural entrepreneur and wife of Michele di Bari, head of the department, was subject […]

“It was wrapped in 2 bags”

Body found in Trieste. Autopsy by Monday

The woman’s body found in a suburban area of ​​Trieste was in two bags (to form only one) of the type used in apartment buildings and her head was in two transparent plastic bags of those used in the kitchen. An element that could suggest a death caused by suffocation. It would seem like a second […]

New Year’s Eve in Cogne

Franzoni returns to the villa 20 years after the crime

Annamaria Franzoni and her husband Stefano Lorenzi spent three days in the villa of the crime in Cogne on the occasion of the New Year. Almost twenty years after the murder of their son Samuele (which took place on January 30, 2022), the couple celebrated New Year’s Eve with a fireworks display in the sky from the garden of the house. The news […]

The pack on the night of 31

Violence in Milan, 2 other women attacked

In the investigation for group sexual violence with the aggression, on New Year’s Eve, of a 19-year-old girl surrounded and harassed by about thirty young people at the center, the Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office is also investigating other cases of alleged abuse in the same way ” da branco ”to other girls always during the celebrations in piazza del […]

Australian Open

Djokovic “no vax” still stuck in the hotel. The decision on the tennis player’s appeals on Monday

The number one tennis player in the world, Novak Djokovic, will stay in Melbourne, Australia, at least until Monday, when a hearing is scheduled on the appeal filed by his lawyers against the decision of the Australian government to deny him a visa to enter the country. Djokovic, who landed on January 5 in Melbourne to participate in the tournament of […]

South Africa

Nelson Mandela’s prison key up for auction

The key to the cell where Nelson Mandela was locked up for years was about to be auctioned in New York, but the announcement of the sale sparked heated controversy. “It belongs to the people of South Africa. It is not a personal object, ”protested the Minister of Culture of Pretoria, Nathi Mthethwa. Guernsey, who should have put the key to auction […]


The Nazis and the deputy to be punished. Who wanted Lübke dead

Germany – Elmar J. at the stand who gave the gun to the killer. His lawyer admits: “He has an affinity with the Third Reich”

The Epstein case

Sworn victims of sexual abuse, Maxwell asks for a retrial

Having received the guilty verdict for five of the six counts (all relating to the sexual exploitation of minors) of which she was accused, now the lawyers of Jeffrey Epstein’s ex-partner, Ghislaine Maxwell, change their strategy. They aim to invalidate the trial, asking for its review, after two jurors have revealed that they were themselves victims. […]


Putin’s “peacemakers” in the hell of Astana

Dozens of dead – The Kremlin sends troops in response to President Tokayev’s request: his people are exasperated by the cost of living, but he speaks of “terrorists”

United States

Biden-Trump remote blow: Midterm campaign begins

The anniversary – Capitol Hill and the violence


Usa, fine of 91 thousand dollars to Airbnb: it violates the embargo

The Cuban government has criticized the United States’ decision to impose a $ 91,000 fine on Airbnb, the digital platform for private hospitality, for handling the bookings of American tourists on the Caribbean island. According to the Minister of Foreign Trade, Rodrigo Malmierca, “the irrational economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States does not cease […]


“We have found the temple of the Pillars of Hercules”

In Spain, the possible location of the Temple of Hercules Gaditano has been identified, one of the most mysterious vestiges of antiquity, which has fueled the legend of the extreme limit of the known world in classical literature. Archaeological finds by a team from the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage indicate that the temple of Hercules Gaditano in Cadiz, Atlantic coast of the […]


Dead Peter Bogdanovich, director of “The Last Show”

American director and screenwriter Peter Bogdanovich, nominated for an Oscar for The Last Show, whose career includes such hits as Is Daddy Sending You Alone? and Paper Moon, died yesterday at the age of 82 of natural causes at his Los Angeles home. The announcement of the disappearance was given by his daughter to The Hollywood […]

Not just social

TikTok, from smartphone to TV: the videos will be broadcast in waiting rooms and bars

The digital platform most loved by young people, famous for viral videos and with a billion users, has reached an agreement with Atmosphere, a company that provides streaming video content, to broadcast its contents on TV screens in the commercial spaces of theaters. ‘waiting, gyms and restaurants, such as Taco Bell and Texas Roadhouse.

Save Singer’s “goat”. The story (not only) for children

The fervent vegetarian writer compared animals to Jews

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