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On Maundy Thursday we honor the apostles John and James

On Bright Thursday from Bright week bless each other the holy apostles John and James.

Jacob and John were fishermen like their father. They were among the first whom Jesus chose as his followers. When he invited them to follow him, the two immediately left their fishing craft and went with him.

In time, Jesus chose 12 of his followers to be his apostles. Jacob and John were one of them. In the Gospels, the brothers James and John are called the sons of Zebedee after their father Zebedee, and also according to the evangelist Mark, Jesus called the brothers Voanerges (in translation: sons of thunder), apparently because of their strong and impetuous nature.

During Holy Week, beginning on the second day after Easter, the holy apostles and the Holy Mother of God are glorified.

Holy Week ends with the second Passover on Sunday. It is called Light because the Resurrection of Christ brings enlightenment to all. It is also called New Sunday, because it begins the cycle of Sundays that mention Christ’s Resurrection. It is also called Thomas Sunday, because on this day the Gospel reading is read about the appearance of Christ to his disciples, among whom was the apostle Thomas.

This week is also full of hen parties.

The material On Bright Thursday we honor the apostles John and Jacob was published for the first time on News from Burgas.

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