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ON-LINE: Trump vs. Debate Biden, the last duel before the election

4:16 – The presenter tries to keep the discussion on the topic of race, but Trump bounces back to the case of Biden’s son. “I don’t even see the audience in the dark. I don’t care who’s here. I’m the least racist person in this room, “the president said.

“This is Abraham Lincoln, the most racist man in the room,” Biden responded. According to him, in the United States the problem of institutional racism. Trump does not want to use such a term.

4:11 – The topic of debate is now the position of African Americans in American society. Trump reiterated his favorite statement that “no one has done more for the black community than he has, except Abraham Lincoln.”

4:05 – The hour of debate is over and the debate is intensifying. Candidates are now taking turns attacking themselves for immigration purposes. The Trump government divided hundreds of families on the border. Videos of children in cages flooded the internet. To date, lawyers have not been able to trace the parents of 545 children.

“They’re doing great, they’re in facilities that are so beautifully clean,” Trump defended.


Presidential Debate: Immigration

Video: Reuters

3:59 – Biden’s distance from former internal party rivals did not escape the attention of smaller party nominees. “I hope the progressives are listening to Joe Biden say he beat Bernie Sanders’ ideas,” Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins wrote on Twitter.

3:54 – Trump criticizes Biden for bills pushed by other Democratic primary candidates. “He is very confused, he probably thinks he is running against someone else. He is running against Joe Biden, “said the former vice president.

3:46 – The topic of debate is now “American families”. The moderator points out that voters are most interested in health care. Trump attacks President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. He reiterated his 2016 election promise, that he would repeal and replace the law. He hasn’t succeeded yet.

Biden wants to add public insurance to Obamacare. “I support private insurance, not a single person insured in this way will lose their care,” he promised. He also warned that if Trump was re-elected, people with birth defects could lose their health insurance.

3:44 – Biden is trying to turn the discussion away from his son’s controversial deals. “This is not about him or my family. This is about your families and they are suffering today, “he said, referring to the coronavirus pandemic.

3:40 – So far, moderator Kristen Welker has received praise on social networks – both from liberals and conservatives. “Great, exactly as expected,” wrote CNN presenter Jake Taper.

“Welker is excellent so far,” conservative commentator Ben Shapiro said on Twitter.

3:33 – Trump is again taking the trump card in the form of the controversial case of Biden’s son. According to leaked documents, 10 percent of his business went to some “big guy.” “I don’t know if you’re a big guy, I’d say yes,” Trump told his opponent.

3:28 – Biden criticized President Trump for not objecting to Russian influence. “You received a lot of money from Russia, they paid you a lot and probably still. You were vice president when this happened, I think you owe the American people answers, “Trump said.

“I have never received any money from any foreign country,” Biden defended. He pointed out that Trump’s companies are building hotels and a golf course in Russia.

3:27 – Topic number two: national security. The US secret services have warned that Russia and Iran have already tried to influence the conduct of the elections.

3:25 – The presenter asks Trump about the chief epidemiologist of the US government Anthony Fauci, whom the president called “disaster” and “idiot” last week. Trump’s answer: “I think he’s a Democrat, but that’s okay. First he said don’t wear a veil, then again he said wear a veil. He is a good man, “he concluded.


Trump: Fauci is a Democrat

Video: Reuters

3:19 – Trump does not believe that his opponent has a real plan for resolving the crisis. “The only thing they’re talking about is deadlines,” he criticized. “I want to shut down the coronavirus, not the earth,” Biden said.

3:16 – “I take full responsibility,” said President Trump. However, he reiterated that the coronavirus is not his fault, but China’s.

3:14 – For the first time, Donald Trump indirectly pulls out the case of Hunter Biden, who allegedly did business in Ukraine during his father’s vice presidency. “Obviously he has the ability to make big money somewhere,” he remarked sarcastically.

3:11 “I have banned people from China,” Trump said as one piece of evidence that he had responded to the pandemic early.

3:10 – According to Biden, President Trump is responsible for the high number of coronavirus-related deaths. “I’ll make sure we have a plan,” Biden said.

3:08 – In his introductory remarks, Trump reiterated that China is to blame for the coronavirus pandemic. According to him, the vaccine is “ready and will be announced in a few weeks”.

3:04 – The debate begins, with the audience applauding both candidates, who now have two minutes to speak. The speaker’s speaker microphone is muted.

3:00 – The main topics announced are the fight against covid-19, national security, climate change, leadership, American families, the position of races in America.

2:57 – A few hours before the debate, it became clear that the three cities (New York, Seattle a Portland) sued the US federal government for calling it “anarchist.” They are also annoyed by the president’s threats that he will stop financing them.

2:55 – Dear readers, a live broadcast of the television debate of the presidential candidates is beginning. White House defender Donald Trump will face Democrat candidate Joe Biden.

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