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ON-LINE: The number of newly infected in the Czech Republic rose to 5,515 on Wednesday

5:58 – The risk score in the PES program, according to which measures against covid will change in the Czech Republic, has dropped from 70 points to 62. It remains in the fourth degree, approaching the third. The fourth risk level indicates a serious condition in the anti-epidemic system (PES). The number of infected people in the population is high and the risk of further deterioration is significant. It is limited to 61 and 75 points.

5:55 – In the Czech Republic, there were 5515 confirmed cases of coronavirus infection on Wednesday, which is 3405 less than last week. But it is more than Tuesday’s holidays 4246, as well as Monday’s 5410. There are currently 100,970 infected in the country. A total of 475,284 people have already been infected in the Czech Republic. The number of victims rose by 66 to 6,740, of which 3,223 fell in November. However, the data for Wednesday are not yet definitive. 119 people died on Tuesday. As of November 11, the daily number of victims remains below two hundred.

The worst situation in the Czech Republic remains in the Havlíčkův Brod region. Hygienists have recorded 675 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days, and 533 in the neighboring Chrudim region. On the other hand, Prague is relatively best, with about 150 cases of coronavirus per 100,000 inhabitants in the past week. In the Sokolovská region, the figure is 154.

5:51 – V Germany there were 22,609 confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection on Wednesday. A total of 855,916 people have been infected in the country, according to the Robert Koch Institute. Another 251 infected people died, 13,370 victims.

5:48 – V India There were another 45,579 newly confirmed cases of coronavirus infection per day, a total of 8.96 million in the country, the highest after the USA. The number of infected victims increased by 585 per day to a total of 131,578.

5:44 In the United States, the number of victims of a coronavirus pandemic exceeded a quarter of a million. According to statistics from Johns Hopkins University (JHU). It is the highest number in the world. The US, which has a population of 330 million and 50,000 people, has died since the beginning of September alone. On Tuesday, the death toll rose by 1707, the highest figure since mid-May. On that day, the US also reported the deaths of another 1,707 people infected with coronavirus, the highest figure since mid-May.
In the country, the disease was detected in 11.525 million people. The number of new infections in the United States has been growing rapidly in recent weeks, with more than 100,000 people every day since the beginning of November, and about 162,000 on Tuesdays.

5:38– V South Korea launched a two-week preventive action against the spread of covid-19 as the number of infected increases. On Wednesday, 343 newly confirmed cases of infection increased, a total of 29,654 people became infected in the country, of whom 498 died. For five days in a row, the number of new cases has exceeded 200. Seoul measures are being tightened up in Seoul.

5:35 – V Mexico 3919 new cases of coronavirus infection occurred on Wednesday. In total, they already record 1.015 million infected. Another 502 infected people died, with a total of 99,528 victims.

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