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! @ # $% on launch of inferior PS4 / Xbox One version Cyberpunk 2077

The Peepshow comes to you today in a slightly different form. This edition is entirely devoted to one subject. And you can already feel it coming. Because as everyone knows Cyberpunk 2077 from. The game lives up to the hype!… For the PC gamers then… But man, man, man… CD Projekt Red has gone wrong when it comes to the current gen console version. They don’t just look bad. The game also doesn’t run for a meter and there are plenty of crashes. And then you know that the two men are diving hard.

Cyberpunk 2077 of Cyberjunk 2077?

Before the game was released, all reviewers were given only PC codes. This was not really noticeable at first because the game simply runs best on this platform. But as soon as the game came out and the console versions were released, bad news quickly trickled out. The game itself simply didn’t run well on the PS4 and Xbox One. The stronger versions of these consoles, the PS4 PRO and the Xbox One X, manage to get the game running a little better and the next gen consoles a little better. Only on PC can we say that the game is running as it should. But if you only get your game reviewed on the one platform that you know works fine, are you selling a lie?

A big lie?

When Cyberpunk 2077 was postponed for the umpteenth time, we got the reason that the versions on the PS4 and Xbox One needed even more work. Well, at least we know they didn’t lie about that. What they have lied about is the fact that they recently told investors that the game was running “surprisingly well” on PS4 and Xbox One. Boris and JJ reconstruct the last weeks before launch in total today and find out that something horrific went wrong here. And that the consequences will still be felt in the coming years.

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