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On Instagram, the new generation of sex education

Every day on Instagram, messages and questions by the thousands. “Shaking during an orgasm, is that normal?” “ “Can you get a sexually transmitted disease from your mouth?” “ “Where to buy lubricant? “ “I don’t know if I like girls or boys, how do I know? “ For lack of satisfactory sexuality education in college or high school, a gigantic Pandora’s box has been opened on social networks. And, since, it overflows.

Social networks today represent a privileged source of information on sexuality for 15-24 year olds – in front of peers, health professionals and parents.

On Instagram, a slew of accounts have been transformed into places of information and discussion. Their names are explicit and their subscribers number in the hundreds of thousands: @jemenbatsleclito, @tasjoui, @mashasexplicates, @sexysoucis, @ jouissance.club, @wi_cul_pedia, @gangduclito, @ lafaqdecamille… Those who created them – the most often feminist and committed women – find themselves taking on the role of the confidante or “cool tata” who relaxes and gives the best advice. From the “video tutorial”, with a cucumber or a butternut, to the promotion of fluorescent and eco-friendly sex toys, through tantric massages or “user manual” illustrations, the proposals vary, but the philosophy remains the same: we infuse it with sex education « positive », “Benevolent”, « inclusive », ” free “.

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“Social networks lead to upheaval in sexuality education which transcends and performs everything that has existed ”, observes the professor of public health at the University of Paris Thierry Troussier, also sexologist and holder of the Unesco chair in “sexual health & human rights”. This peer-to-peer education which covers all subjects – from sexual violence to endometriosis and menstruation – constitutes, according to him, a “Revolution”. “After the historical tutelage of religion and the State over sexuality, we see the emergence of a third power: that of the people”, he assures.

Anonymity and confidentiality

In a post- # metoo effect, the popularizers of joyful sex thus intend to exonerate and de-dramatize the word around consent, female masturbation, pleasure and desire. All within spaces of mutual aid that want to be « safe » – that is to say, protected, as much as possible, from the intricacies of the Internet and from judgments.

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