neighborhood after that onestudent stabs anotherin this educational center andWhat’s worse is that it’s the third timeWhat happens in such a similar case?only this week.>> where is the authority, theschool, the councilor?what sheriff’s station forthis?It is a difficult problem for one.reporter: a 15 year old young manwith a knife he wounded another13 years old in the face.on Wednesday a student14 years old with knife in the legto a 12 year old boy withinbronx high school.On Tuesday, a 15-year-oldyears stabbed another in thestomach in a school>> I don’t understand whychildren dare to have thoseafter the companionsclasses began to discussand all the Saon.the injured young man ate whathad passed and is inwhile the teenager whoI came in with that knifein custody.The mayor announced thatwould hire 120 agentssecurity, althoughadministration had decidedcancel hiring250 agents due to cutsbudgets.>> the caress we have is notanything.the number of elements thatwe have are not enough.we need wingsbefore them were 5 security guardsschools now have 1 or 2.This is not enough.we need for security inthe schools.the high schools were 15
2023-12-08 04:27:00
#consecutive #days #students #stabbed #York #schools