Some young protesters, who raised a sign and shouted “El pueblo unido jamas serà vencido” (the united people will never be defeated, ed), interrupted the Prime Minister for a few seconds, at the beginning of his speech, but were removed from security, without incident, and Draghi resumed speaking.
On the future of our country, the premier stressed that “Italy has allocated 40% of the resources in our National Recovery and Resilience Plan for the ecological transition. Our goal is to increase the share of renewables in our energy mix, make mobility more sustainable, improve the energy efficiency of our buildings and protect biodiversity “. The aim of the Summit in Rome, to be held at the end of October, is to” make a commitment to what it’s about the goal of containing global warming below 1.5 degrees. And we want to develop long-term strategies that are consistent with this goal. “
For the premier “the pandemic and climate change helped push nearly 100 million people in extreme poverty, bringing the total to 730 million. The climate crisis, the health crisis and the food crisis are closely related. To address all of these crises, we need to act faster, much faster, and more effectively. “
“As Presidency of the G20 and Co-Presidency of Cop26 – added Draghi – we are pushing countries to respect their climate commitments and, in certain cases, to be ready to take more daring ones. If we want to be successful, all countries must do their part, starting with those of the G20. The G20 countries generate over 80% of global GDP and over 75% of emissions. “
On the speech given by the Swedish activist Greta Thunberg at the opening of Youth4Climate, Draghi said: “I bla bla bla? They are useful to convince everyone that change is necessary “. Then the premier expressed his admiration for the young people who are fighting for the climate.” Your mobilization has been of great impact – he said – and you can be sure: we are listening to you. I am convinced that we have a lot to learn from your ideas, your suggestions and your leadership. “