Home » today » News » On August 23, Mount Shipka is crowned with “divine glory” – Agro Plovdiv – 2024-08-23 06:52:15

On August 23, Mount Shipka is crowned with “divine glory” – Agro Plovdiv – 2024-08-23 06:52:15

6,000 Bulgarian militiamen and 2,500 Russian soldiers pay the ultimate price to stop the 30,000-strong Turkish army

147 years ago, on August 11, 1877 (August 23 according to the new calendar style), history recorded one of the worst battles for top Rosehip. The dramatic defense lasted five memorable days and was extremely important to the outcome of the war. On this peak, the Bulgarians in the militia have shown that they are ready to sacrifice themselves to the last in the name of the homeland.

The Bulgarian militia was formed in Russia, but then no Russian officer was willing to take command of it. Our volunteers were proverbially undisciplined – they did not show honor, did not know how to march, and spent their evenings in pubs. Finally, the command of the militia was assigned to Gen. Nikolai Stoletov – the only Russian general who was not a noble at that time.

The Russian soldiers were armed with morally outdated Krinka rifles, and the militiamen with the antediluvian Shaspo rifles, bought old by the Prussian army with money from the Slavic charity society. The funds were donated by rich merchants Vasil Beron, Stefan Bogoridi, Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi, etc. Against them, the Turks were armed with the long-range and rapid-fire Peabody-Martini.

The battles for Shipka were critical. If Suleiman’s army had succeeded in crossing Stara Planina through Shipka, the main Russian forces in Northern Bulgaria would have been hit from three sides – Sofia, Shumen and Stara Planina. It took weeks for new units to arrive from Russia. Therefore, keeping Shipka at all costs was the only chance for success.

About 6,000 Bulgarian militiamen and 2,500 Russians took part in the epic battles of Shipka. A 30,000-strong Turkish army faced them.

In Shipka’s Soldiers, Ivan Vazov did not exaggerate Bulgarian heroism at all. The fight on August 11 started at 4 am and ended at 10 pm. It is true that when the bullets ran out, the Bulgarians began to pelt the Turkish soldier with stones and trees. The wounded who could move stood up for the last stand. About 1,000 citizens from Gabrovo, including children, climbed to the top to stop Süleyman’s soldiers.

The next day, “(Fyodor) Radetsky arrives with a thunderbolt” with a reinforcement of nearly 15 thousand soldiers.

After that day’s battle, Suleiman Pasha, in a report to Headquarters, concluded: “Never was such a fierce and bloody battle seen.”

Evaluating the fighting qualities displayed on August 11 by the Bulgarian militia, its commander, Major General Nikolay Stoletov, in a telegram to the Chief of the Field Staff, Lieutenant General Artur Nepokoichitsky, stated: “As for the Bulgarians, they will not be afraid even if we use them up to the last man’. And after a few days he insists: “To be rewarded as established for the units of the troops of our army.”

The One Testament blog of the Royal Officer Corps Descendants Club wrote: “Shipka refutes all malicious speculation about ‘gifted freedom.’ The Bulgarians earned their freedom with weapons in hand, under their flag, with their battle hymn on their lips.”

The official celebration of the Shipchin epic will be tomorrow, Saturday, August 24. It is held under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria and is organized by the Regional Administration – Gabrovo with the assistance of the National Park-Museum “Shipka-Buzludzha”, Municipality of Gabrovo, Rotary Club – Gabrovo, Regional History Museum – Gabrovo, Regional Library “Aprilov – Palauzov” – Gabrovo, HG “Hristo Tsokev”, State Archives – Gabrovo.

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