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On April 23, 2024, a meeting of the NCRECP was held

The National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the spheres of energy and communal services, reports that on April 23, 2024, a meeting of the Commission took place in the form of an open hearing, at which the following decisions were made:

1. To issue a license for the right to carry out business activities related to the supply of natural gas to “ENERGETYCHNA MEREZHA” LLC.

2. To issue licenses for the right to carry out economic activities for the supply of electric energy to the consumer:

1) “GreenLightElectro” LLC;

2) TOV “ELT”;



3. To suspend the validity of licenses for the right to conduct economic activity in the production of electric energy, issued by:




4. To suspend the validity of the license for the right to carry out economic activity for the supply of electric energy to the consumer, issued by SE “KALUSKA TETS NOVA”.

5. To cancel the license for the right to carry out business activities related to the supply of natural gas, issued by TD “SKF” LLC.

6. To make changes to the resolution of the NCRECP dated November 20, 2018 No. 1468 (name change).

7. Remove from consideration the issue of registration of wholesale energy market participants.

8. Make changes to the appendix to the resolution of the NCRECP dated June 11, 2019 No. 1019 (change in installed capacity).

9. Adopt the resolution of the NCRECP “On Approval of Changes to the Procedure for Development and Submission for Approval of Distribution System Development Plans and Investment Programs of Distribution System Operators.”

10. To approve the draft resolution of the NCRECP “On approval of changes to the Development Plan of the distribution system of JSC “DTEK ODESK ELECTROMEREZHI” for 2024-2028″.

11. To approve the draft resolutions of the NCRECP on the approval of development plans for 2024-2028:


2) KP “MISKVODOKANAL” of the Sumy City Council;



12. To approve the draft resolutions of the National Economic and Social Committee of Ukraine on the approval of investment programs (investment projects) for 2024:


2) KP “MISKVODOKANAL” of the Sumy City Council;



13. To adopt the resolution of the NCRECP “On Approval of Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the NCRECP” (regarding amendments to the Code of the Gas Transportation System, the Code of Gas Distribution Systems, and the Model Contract for the Transportation of Natural Gas).

14. Apply sanctions to JSC “CHERNIVTSIOBLENERGO” for violation of the Licensing conditions for the distribution of electric energy and non-compliance with the requirements of regulatory acts regulating the operation of the electric energy market.

15. Apply sanctions to LLC “LVIVENERGOZBUT” for violation of the Licensing conditions for the supply of electric energy to the consumer and non-compliance with the requirements of regulatory acts regulating the operation of the electric energy market.

16. Apply sanctions to “POLTAVAENERGOZBUT” LLC for violation of the Licensing conditions for the supply of electric energy to the consumer and non-compliance with the requirements of regulatory acts regulating the operation of the electric energy market.

17. Warn “ENERGY SONTSYA” LLC against further violations of the License Terms for the production of electric energy and non-compliance with the requirements of regulatory acts regulating the operation of the electric energy market.

18. To impose a fine on the ROVKP of the VKG “RIVNEOBLVODOKANAL” for violating the requirements of the law and the Licensing conditions for conducting economic activities on centralized water supply and centralized water drainage.

19. Warn LLC “GASO SUPPLY COMPANY “NAFTOGAZ TRADING” against future violations of the Licensing Conditions for natural gas supply business activities.

20. To impose a fine on Vinnytsyagaz ZBUT LLC for violation of the Licensing conditions for the conduct of economic activity in the supply of natural gas.

21. No decision has been taken regarding the deferred payment of the fine imposed on CHERNIGIVGAZ ZBUT LLC by the resolution of the NCRECP dated March 27, 2024 No. 602.

22. No decision has been taken regarding the deferred payment of the fine imposed on CHERNIGIVGAZ ZBUT LLC by resolution of the NCRECP dated March 27, 2024 No. 603.

23. Amend the order of the National Energy and Mineral Resources Commission of Ukraine dated March 27, 2024 No. 93-r (“On elimination of violations of SE “KYIVGAZENERGY”).

24. To remove from consideration the issue of amending the order of the NCRECP of March 22, 2023 No. 62-r (“On elimination of violations of Sanvin 13 LLC”).

25. Amend the order of the NCRECP dated March 8, 2024 No. 69-r (“On elimination of violations of DNISTROVSKA VITROELEKTROSTANTSIA” LLC).

26. Conduct an unscheduled on-site inspection of JSC PRIKARPATTYAOBLENERGO for the distribution of electric energy (at the request of the consumer).

27. To conduct an unscheduled on-site inspection of “TVIY GAZZBUT” LLC for the supply of natural gas (at the request of legal entities and individuals).

28. To conduct an unscheduled on-site inspection of NJSC “NAFTOGAZ OF UKRAINE” (regarding the implementation of the order of the NCRECP of February 20, 2024 No. 53-r).

29. Conduct an unscheduled on-site inspection of NJSC “NAFTOGAZ OF UKRAINE” (regarding the implementation of the order of the NCRECP of February 20, 2024 No. 54-r).

30. To conduct an unscheduled on-site inspection of LLC “ZAKARPATGAZ ZBUT” (regarding the implementation of the order of the NCREKP dated November 14, 2023 No. 311-r).

31. To conduct an unscheduled on-site inspection of LLC “KYIVOBLGAZ ZBUT” (regarding the implementation of the order of the NCREKP dated September 19, 2023 No. 254-r).

32. To conduct an unscheduled on-site inspection of LLC “KYIVOBLGAZ ZBUT” (regarding the implementation of the order of the NCREKP dated September 19, 2023 No. 255-r).

33. To increase the term of scheduled inspection of “ENERA CHERNIGIV” LLC for the supply of electric energy to the consumer.

34. Extend the term of scheduled inspection of “ENERA CHERNIGIV” LLC for the supply of natural gas.

35. To extend the term of unscheduled on-site inspection of LLC “SMART ENERGY GROUP” for the production of electric energy.

36. To remove from consideration the issue of extending the period for conducting an unscheduled on-site inspection of PJSC “LVIVOBLENERGO” for the distribution of electric energy.

37. To extend the term of scheduled inspection of PJSC “BILOTSERKIVSKA TETS” for the production of thermal energy.

38. To extend the term of scheduled inspection of PJSC “BILOTSERKIVSKA TETS” for the production of electric energy.

39. Extend the term of the planned inspection of BILOTSERKIVVODA LLC for centralized water supply and centralized water drainage.

40. To adopt the resolution of the NCRECP “On the initiation of the investigation of abuses in the wholesale energy market according to the notification of LLC “Operator GTS of Ukraine” dated April 9, 2024 No. TOVVYH-24-5376.”

41. To adopt the resolution of the NCRECP “On the refusal to conduct an investigation of abuses in the wholesale energy market regarding LLC “WELL CO”.

42. Warn TECHNOVA FIRM LLC against future violations of the License Terms for the supply of electricity to the consumer and non-compliance with the requirements of regulatory acts regulating the functioning of the electricity market.

43. Apply sanctions to FIRMA TEHNOVA LLC for non-compliance with the requirements of legal acts regulating the functioning of the electricity market and violation of the Licensing Terms for the production of electricity.

44. Apply sanctions to FIRMA TEHNOVA LLC for violation of legislation in the field of heat supply and Licensing conditions for the production of thermal energy.

45. To adopt resolutions of the NCRECP:

“About the establishment of the “green” tariff of AVIRTU LLC;

“On Amendments to the Annex to the Resolution of the NCRECP dated March 29, 2024 No. 621” (in terms of establishing the “green” tariff of AVIRTU LLC (SPP Ivano-Frankivsk region, (information with limited access))).

46. ​​To approve and publish on the official website, for the purpose of receiving comments and suggestions, a draft decision that has the characteristics of a regulatory act, – – the resolution of the NCRECP “On approval of changes to some resolutions of the NCRECP” regarding the specifics of netting.

47. Postponing the consideration of the issue of amending Resolution No. 332 of NKREKP dated February 25, 2022 “On ensuring the stable functioning of the electricity market, including the financial condition of the participants in the electricity market during the period of martial law in Ukraine” regarding the peculiarities of the regulation of negative energy by the aggregator balance value.

48. To approve the amount of the cost of the service to ensure an increase in the share of electricity production from alternative energy sources provided by universal service providers in March 2024.

49. Approve Changes to the List of current accounts with a special mode of use of electricity suppliers, transmission system operator and market operator.

According to the results of this meeting, the decisions of the National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the spheres of energy and communal services, will be formalized in resolutions and orders, published on the official website and in the “Information Bulletin of the NCRECP”, as well as placed in the Information and Legal Support System “League: Law ” and the Legal Information and Search System “Legislation”

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