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OMT wanted to spare contact professions and supermarkets, but they will come

For all three sectors, outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Minister Hugo de Jonge announced measures at the corona press conference on Friday evening. At senior secondary vocational education and higher education, the maximum group size will be reduced to 75 people. The OMT advised against taking additional measures in education now in the interest of the development of children and young people.

New measures

Yesterday in a corona press conference the new measures announced. Essential stores such as the supermarket must close at 8 p.m. from today. Contact professions such as hairdressers must stop their work by 6 p.m. The OMT considers measures to be ‘not (yet) necessary.’

During the press conference, Rutte also gave a cry from the heart, as can be seen in this video.

Fireworks ban

The cabinet had also asked the OMT to look into a possible fireworks ban. The team of experts first wants to do more research before issuing an advice on a fireworks ban this New Year’s Eve. The idea is that such a ban will relieve hospitals because fewer fireworks victims need care.

But the experts write in the advice to the cabinet that they do not now have the “relevant data” to make a statement about this. The OMT does not write when it thinks it has sufficient information.

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