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Omniva’s turnover increased by 2% last year :: Dienas Bizness

Last year, the turnover of the logistics company SIA “Omniva” was 18.4 million euros, which is 2% more than the year before, while the company’s profit decreased four times and was 640,000 euros, representatives of “Omniva” inform.

The manager of “Omniva” in Latvia, Beāte Krauze-Čebotare, states that in 2022 the company continued to work on improving internal processes, developing digital channels, as well as expanding the parcel network.

“Due to the ambitious investments in the development of the company, the increase in costs attributable to the Omniva Group by one million euros, and due to the cautious consumption habits of customers, the profit of Omniva in Latvia has fallen compared to 2021. However, at the same time, we could identify positive trends in consumer sentiment already in the second half of the year , which allows us to look optimistically in the future,” says Krauze-Čebotare.

She mentions that “Omniva” invested more than two million euros in the development of infrastructure in Latvia in 2022. Among them, another round of parcel locker network expansion was implemented, installing a total of 60 new parcel lockers and supplementing the existing 150 with medium and large lockers. Activities were also carried out to introduce new services, such as the parcel return service, as well as to improve existing services and develop new digital solutions.

The total revenue of the “Omniva Group” concern last year was 129.1 million euros, which is 13% less than the previous year. At the same time, the company’s operating expenses were 129.3 million euros, decreasing by 3% during the year.

“Omniva Group” board chairman Marts Magi states that 2022 was a year of challenges, investments and rapid development for the company both in the Baltics and internationally.

“2022 was our third year of positive profitability in a row, despite the decrease in the volume of mail in Estonia, the changing economic climate and the war. We work more and more internationally – the share of universal postal services in our turnover is less than 10%, while the e-commerce industry the services provided currently make up more than 70%,” says Magi, adding that the home market of “Omniva Group” is the Baltic States, while the company’s operations extend from America to Kazakhstan.

The group’s total investments last year reached almost 18 million euros – a total of 230 new parcel post offices will be deployed throughout the Baltics in 2022.

“The development of technology offers almost unlimited opportunities, so we have a clear goal and plan to be the first to introduce new digital solutions and provide the latest generation of services both in the Baltics and internationally. We are also paying more and more attention to sustainability issues,” says Magi.

It has already been announced that in 2021, the turnover of “Omniva Latvija” was 18.001 million euros, which is 46.6% more than the year before, while the company’s profit increased by 7.4% – up to 2.542 million euros.

The “Omniva Group” includes the parent company “Eesti Post”, as well as the subsidiary “Maksekeskus” in Estonia, “Omniva” in Lithuania and “Omniva Latvija” in Latvia.

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