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Omikron shatters contamination records | The standard

Omikron is going fast. In many countries, one daily infection record after another is broken. Brave little Belgium along with a few others seems to have been spared the longest from the fifth wave.

Worldwide, the weekly average of new infections fell. Between December 23 and 29, 7.3 million people became infected with the corona virus. That equates to a daily average of 1,045,000 cases. This crushes the previous daily average with at least 100,000 infections. The majority of those infections take place on European and North American soil. This increase has everything to do with the newest variant of the corona virus: omikron.

In recent days, the contagion curves rose to new daily peaks in:

  • the United States (about 290,000 per day)
  • France (208,099 per day)
  • the United Kingdom (189213 per day)
  • Italy (126,888 per day)
  • Switzerland (8,890 per day)
  • Ireland (20,554 per day)
  • Portugal (28,659 per day)
  • Spain (about 30,000 per day)
  • Greece (35,580 per day)
  • Denmark (23,228 per day)
  • Finland (3,112 per day)
  • Australia (about 20,000 per day)

In Belgium, the corona figures are still falling for the time being. We are joining forces with Germany, the Netherlands and Austria and some Eastern European countries such as Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. South Africa, the country where the omikron variant was discovered at the end of November, already seems to have passed its peak. That is why the night clock that applied there was abolished again in the meantime.

According to initial studies, omikron appears to be much more contagious, but less pathogenic.

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