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“Omicron variant possibly artificially created” / Chumakov “It has three amino acids that …”

No light has yet been shed onorigin of Covid, with the thesis of the escape from the laboratory which is no longer excluded, but a new case is already opened and concerns the variante Omicron. Professor Pyotr Chumakov, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, believes this strain is “super weakened“. Great, right? In fact, for the Russian virologist “it is quite obvious that this is a work of art“. Aware of the fact that this theory can be defined as a conspiracy theorist, he nevertheless deepened it: “Now they have decided to end the pandemic, because the time has come for drastic changes in the world. In the next three or four months, a lot will change“. But who could have decided to “stop” the Covid pandemic? “He who launched it ».

“Now the time has simply come when, for some political reason, they have decided to quickly put an end to the pandemic“. The words of Pyotr Chumakov, reported by the Tacc agency, are destined to cause discussion. About the mutations present in the Omicron variant, he claims that all the known ones have been collected, but there are “three amino acids», Whose appearance could not have occurred naturally according to the scientist.


There is no need to worry, therefore, even if the variante Omicron due to its characteristics “it can infect many people who have already been vaccinated, but their disease is mild“. It wouldn’t be a problem, second Pyotr Chumakov, even for the unvaccinated. “That is, it appears that this is a strain that spreads very quickly and is easily tolerated. This is very good“. Also the biologist and pharmacologist Angelo Vescovi underlines the superior infectious capacity of the Omicron variant compared to the Delta. On the other hand, as far as the origin is concerned, he takes sides among those who hypothesize a natural one.

«It is a virus that probably derives from a patient who perhaps incubated the virus for a long time or even grew in rodents and then passed to humansHe said to Italy tonight. However, Bishops mentioned a drug, Broncovaxom, which could prevent Covid, although it has not yet been tested for it: used for 60 years, it is intended to prevent respiratory tract infections in the cold season. “The drug is authorized in Italy for the prophylaxis of respiratory diseases, except pneumonia. It is not approved in the United States but there is an FDA clinical trial underway»Declared Vescovi.


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