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Omar Chávez failed to comply, Combox maintains; It’s an injustice, says JC

If the crowds do not stop lavishing affection on Julio César Chávez wherever he appears, his children, on the other hand, are haunted by a kind of ambivalent feeling due to the stumbles in their respective boxing careers. They love them, as an emotional appendage of the love they feel for the Mexican idol, but they also disown them for not living up to the legacy of being his professional heirs. The most recent episode in this plot full of scandals is that of Omar Chávez, who would have a fight last Saturday in Pachuca, Hidalgo, against the Rio 2016 Olympic medalist Misael Chino Rodríguez and was cancelled.

At the time of the fight, Misael refused to enter the ring with the argument that Omar was too over the allowed weight. A day before, at the official weighing, both met the requirement on the scale: Chino registered 75,500 kilograms, and Omar, 76,600. Thus, they were both within range. The conflict broke out just before starting the fight, when both boxers were wearing gloves and ready to go into combat.

The Mexico City Boxing Commission, hired by the promoter Zanfer, warned them that its regulations prohibit rebound weight above 4.5 kilograms. This situation is an inevitable effect on boxers when they hydrate and consume food after the official weigh-in. For this reason, they require going on the scale in the arena before the fights, to ensure that the contestants are not unequal in tonnage.

Omar Chávez refused to weigh himself again and when he agreed he was 10 kilos heavier than the day before. Misael and his team noted that they had been warned that this difference was against the regulations, that they had complied and, consequently, Chino Rodríguez refused to fight.

It’s stupid that they prohibited Omar from gaining weight the next dayJulio César Chávez exploded yesterday during a press conference in a restaurant in the south of Mexico City.

What they did to my son is an injustice, because if a boxer already fights from the moment he has to weigh in, having to weigh in again on the day of the show is outrageous. Nothing like this has ever been seen in history.he lamented.

JC Chávez feels outraged by this episode and denies that it affects the credibility of his son Omar, who together with Julito is seeking to return to boxing after long periods of scandals and poor results.

The one who has no credibility is Misael Rodríguez. How is it possible that they don’t let a boxer who weighs four kilos fight? What was Misael looking for?he snorted; Omar did not commit any crime, please understand.

Chávez remembered his experience and it seemed absurd to him that after completing the official weigh-in they did not allow him to replenish himself with liquids and food.

They don’t know what it’s like to risk their lives in the ring. If we have already made weight we have to hydrate and eat, no commission or fighter can tell us that we can only gain two kilos or there will be no fight. Where do they get that from?he claimed angrily.

After the cancellation of the fight, the promoter Zanfer issued a statement on Saturday the 5th in which it blamed Misael for the cancellation. Alleging arguments NOT (sic) contained in the clauses of the contract, referring to the agreed weight for the matchsays the document. Said company hired the service of Combox to apply the regulations to which the Chino Rodríguez, according to the latter’s statements.

Yesterday at noon, the Mexico City Boxing Commission gave a conference in which they explained what the regulations of that organization are like and why it is applied in this way, to understand what happened on Saturday in Pachuca. And he said that according to those rules, Misael was within his rights to refuse to fight.

Before the official weigh-in, all boxers and their teams were clearly informed that they would be subjected to sand weight (at the venue before the fights) and that they could only bounce no more than four kilograms in some divisions and 4.5 in the largeststated the Commission and clarified that Misael did comply with that requirement, while Omar did not want to weigh himself again.

The sand weight rule was established by the commission to avoid cases of boxers who, after completing the official weigh-in, arrived at the ring a day later with up to 10 kilos more, as happened with Omar.

In that sense, a bounce of four kilograms was implemented for welterweight boxers and 4.5 for super welterweight to cruiser, to prevent accidents.added the commission.

The main argument for the commission is to prevent misfortunes due to weight inequality with the rebound at the time of the fight. Omar already suffered a misfortune in the ring, without it being attributable to that difference, but in July 2009 his rival, Marco Nazareth, died days later from the blows he received in that fight in Puerto Vallarta.

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#Omar #Chávez #failed #comply #Combox #maintains #injustice

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