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OM sees insufficient criminal law basis for prosecution of gas winner NAM | NOW

The Public Prosecution Service (OM) sees insufficient basis for criminal prosecution of the Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM). According to the judiciary, there is no evidence that the largest gas extractor in the Netherlands has deliberately acted criminally culpable. The OM therefore believes that the company should not be prosecuted.

The Public Prosecution Service concludes after “intensive investigation” that there is no evidence that homes in North Groningen were damaged by gas extraction to such an extent that the residents were actually in danger of death.

The case was brought in early 2017 by the action group Groninger Bodem Beweging and a few individuals who believe that the gas extraction has led to a life-threatening situation. At the time, the court ruled that an investigation into the provability had not been done. The court ordered the Public Prosecution Service to conduct that investigation, so that it can be determined whether the NAM should be prosecuted.

That investigation shows that the earthquakes caused by gas extraction caused significant damage, but that there was no concrete danger to the lives of the residents. Since 2017, several homes have been reinforced or residents have moved on their own initiative or by order of the municipality.

The Public Prosecution Service therefore concludes that there is no evidence of deliberate criminal behavior. The court must now decide whether the Public Prosecution Service can stop the prosecution.

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