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OM admits: “Failed to take action against farmers on the highway”

In the run-up to the farmers’ protests this fall, the OM, police and several ministries decided to enforce the highway ban for tractors. That says responsible prosecutor Linda Bregman in the staff magazine Opportune of the Public Prosecution Service. “We were unable to maintain that,” says Bregman.

Families and people

The fact that the tractors have no registration number is also difficult for enforcement, says the public prosecutor. She says agents were unable to cope with the tractors. “But I think the police have just acted very wisely. They have opted for as much safety as possible on the highway. There were also just families and people on their way to work.”

The fact that, according to her, the general public was quite massively behind the demonstrators did not make it any easier. “Then you are faced with dilemmas. If you act firmly, things can escalate enormously, with all the associated risks. At what price do you want to start acting?”

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