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Olympics, the opening ceremony live – Corriere.it

of Marco Imarisio, Gaia Piccardi

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games officially open today

started at 13, Italian time, the inaugural ceremony of Tokyo Olympics. The first nation to traditionally parade is Greece, followed by the refugee team. Italy parades 18th, Japan will close. The blue flag bearers are two: Jessica Rossi, the skeet shooting champion, ed Elia Viviani (cycling). The volleyball player Paola Egonu on the recommendation of the Coni was chosen by the IOC, together with five other athletes, as flag bearer of the Olympic banner.
Here is the live video of the ceremony.

13.23 – Sobriet or mestizia?
Mah Okay, the evocation of what was. The loneliness of the athlete in lockdown who trains on the treadmill. Agree the sobriety necessary for the times we are living in. But here it borders on sadness, with a nice soundtrack. Nobody asked for the Spice Girls and Queen Elizabeth lookalike jumping off the helicopter with the real James Bond like in London 2012. By, damn. Meanwhile, the cries of protest against Tokyo 2020 come from the outside, increasingly louder, mingling with the notes of the shocked-looking dancer. What joy (of Marco Imarisio).

13.12 – Piazza Duomo in the video commemorating the year of the pandemic
In the video that recalls the worst year of our life, one of the first images is that of the deserted Piazza del Duomo. We should always remember what 2020 was, those terrible months of March and April. For Lombardy and for all of Italy. In Tokyo they did it. And a bit ‘we got the chills (of Marco Imarisio).

Ore 13.03 – Rooms with views of the Olympics that no one in Japan wanted anymore
Attached to the Olympic stadium, as close as only in Tokyo things manage to be close without colliding with each other, there is an apartment building. Apartments as large as cans of sardines, windows overlooking the opening ceremony that is about to begin. There are those who are having dinner, those who watch television, those who play with their children, those who hang out the laundry. Rooms with views of the Olympics that no one in Japan wanted anymore. From the box at the top right, however, a woman reaches out to us: says hello. Maybe the Japanese hostile to potential foreigners told us some anti-Olympic propaganda, maybe they don’t want us so badly. I reciprocate the greeting (of Gaia Piccardi).

Ore 13.03 – All ready for the start of the ceremony
All ready for the start of the ceremony. The neutral stadium, in the sense that there is no sign that is one of the sponsors. After the great refusal of Toyota to attend, even Panasonic has made it known that he will not be there, while Chipotle has made it known that despite the situation “is not ideal”, he will evaluate whether to do some Olympic commercials. In the Cesarini area, the Brazilian delegation has in the meantime made it known that it will parade only with four athletes, for fear of Covid which today recorded another record peak, equaling the number of daily infections touched last January 16. There is enthusiasm around these Games. But now the lights go out. One way or another, one begins (of Marco Imarisio).

12.53 – The (orderly) protest outside the stadium
A few hundred protesters protest against the Tokyo Olympics outside the stadium. Since they are Japanese, they do it in an orderly way, without invading the street. They are all stuck on a sidewalk where there is not even room for a pin. It looks like the old-time queue for tickets at the stadium, only there is a lady shouting phrases into the megaphone that everyone picks up and repeats in chorus. The Japanese colleagues explain that they are basically giving spreaders to members of their government and foreign visitors. Some have shirts with bloody syringes or five Covid symbols instead of five circles. Their voices arrive muffled inside the stadium. To see them from above, piled on top of each other, at thirty-five degrees of temperature, in short, one can hope that everything will be fine for them (of Marco Imarisio).

12.42 – The arrival of the heads of Stato and athletes
Small, suggestive, collected. It’s empty. Here we are inside the Tokyo 2020 Olympic stadium, rebuilt (the original facility used for the ’64 Games, is part of that package of “heritage” sites recovered by the Japanese 57 years later) to host the Games of the XXXII Olympiad. On these seats in the stadium in the heart of Shinjuku we should have sat a year ago if the pandemic hadn’t got in the way. The heads of state are arriving, the wigs of the International Olympic Committee, the athletes who will parade. For now, twenty minutes from the inauguration of the most tiring, thwarted and viral Olympics in history, only insiders and a white cone in the center of the scene, which depicts the sacred Mount Fuji (of Gaia Piccardi).

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July 23, 2021 (change July 23, 2021 | 13:25)

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