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Olympics She won everything she could. Samková has only one motivation

You experienced the Olympic atmosphere already in the summer, when you shot videos from the Prague Olympic Festival. Did you start looking forward to your winter games even then?

It breathed a lot on me. I had about twelve days of filming, communicated with the Olympians and I enjoyed watching it. I came home every afternoon, turned on the television, and when the Olympic program ended, I wondered what I was going to watch now. Suddenly terrible boredom on that television. I started to look forward to my Olympics, but at the same time I realized during those positive tests that it can also happen to me that I will be positive or close contact. I will have to isolate myself before departure, which will be unpleasant, but unfortunately…

Can you imagine anyone flying to Beijing unvaccinated for the price of 21 days in quarantine in a room?

It is unrealistic for an athlete to shut himself down for three weeks. If they let you go up the hill, let’s say, but I think everyone will be vaccinated.

Olympic snowboard cross winner Eva Samková.

Vlastimil Vacek, Right

Beijing will be your third Olympics, how many do you have in front of you?

It will be seen after this one… (smile) I’m not thinking about it at all, but it’s true that so far no one has asked me how long I will ride. I will be 29 now and the number of questions is increasing. Four years is a long time, but it will run away very quickly. It’s stupid of me to say it myself, but I’ve won everything we can with us, so the only motivation for me is that I will enjoy riding.

Do you still enjoy it anyway? Last season you admitted that you often thought about whether you are still the best…

I wonder if I have a place to move. I know what I need to improve, but at times I wondered if it was still within my capabilities. Fortunately, last winter I proved that I can still improve. I feel that I enjoy riding in a similar way, or I even more realize that I am grateful. When you’re young, you don’t solve anything, you just go to the mountains. Now that I’m in the mountains, sometimes I wonder how cool it is that I can be there. I stop and realize that I’m actually very lucky. Which I wasn’t so soulful at twenty. But I still enjoy riding.

Are you more careful when driving than you were ten years ago?

I have a few injuries behind me, so I’m more careful when I see that this jump looks similar to the one I cut myself to last time… On the other hand, I can justify the fear more logically and thus overcome it. When I was younger, I was scared and unable to correct him. Now I’m scared too, but I’ll say to myself that I drove a worse track at seventeen, so why wouldn’t I be able to do it now that I’m better at it physically and with experience. And most importantly, I know myself better and I have a routine, our team has been working for almost fifteen years, which gives me peace of mind.

Marek Jelínek is your coach all the time. Do you dare to talk more into training with your experience, or do you listen to it in everything?

For the most part, I listen to what he says, but I already have my opinion. I’ve always had it, but now we can talk more about it. As a younger man, I couldn’t control my emotions, so I sounded affected. We’re in harmony, Deer and more wants me to be able to say what I need.

The second coach Jakub Flejšar, called Flaška, was also with you at both Olympics. Will he go to Beijing with you?

He won’t go, he’s a sculptor and he’ll stay. He probably really likes Michal Dusík’s commentary in the studio… (smile) I was used to the fact that Jelen and Flaška were always at the Olympics, now it will be different, again a new challenge. But he hasn’t been with us since the last Olympics, even though we’re in contact, he’s still interested, he hasn’t cut us off.

Born: April 28, 1993 in Vrchlabí
Residence: Prague
State: single
Club: Dukla Liberec
Coach: Marek Jelínek
Biggest achievements: Olympic gold from Sochi 2014, Olympic bronze from Pyongyang 2018, world champion from Sollitude 2019, world bronze from Idre 2021, winner of the World Cup 2017, 2019 and 2021, winner of seventeen World Championships, silver from X-Games in Aspen 2014, gold from the World Cup juniors in Cardrona 2010, Valmalenka 2011 and Erzurum 2013, gold from the Universiade in Trento 2013.
Participation in ZOH: Sochi 2014 – 1., Pyongyang 2018 – 3.

Have you been easier for you four years since the last games than the ones after the gold in Sochi, when you found it difficult to compare with the increase in interest and duties?

It has already stabilized, I have a similar job towards my partners. And we have a system with managers that when the season is approaching, it needs to be curtailed.

This is certainly an advantage that one of the managers is Tomáš Kraus, a former stellar ski cross-country skier who knows the needs of top athletes well.

Exactly. It’s hard for him too, he also has to resist the pressure that he would need the athlete somewhere. It happened to me several times that I went from training to the event, then lay down and was sick. We pay attention to it and it works. I guess I’m used to it, and most of all I can tell when it’s too much.

In recent years, you are more often seen off the slopes. You played in a clip with Bára Poláková, she shot travelogues with Tomáš Kraus, you have a small role in the upcoming film The Last Race… What did you enjoy the most?

Probably a video clip with Bara. We saw each other twice for five minutes and then flew to Bali together. It could have been a problem if we didn’t sit down. But it was fun and we’ve been friends so far, and I’m surfing. The TV show was also a good experience for me, I had to work with my voice, which I can’t do, I tried new things like ferrata or tandem jump. And the last race was a matter of the heart, I was glad that my Mara (herec Adamczyk) plays in the Giant Mountains and will see how great it is in our country. I realized all the more that playing is also a difficult craft.

What awaits her for the Winter Olympics
The season will start on November 26 at the World Cup right in the game venue, in the Chinese Secret Garden. By the end of the year, the SP races in Montafon, Austria (9-11 December) and Cervina, Italy (17th and 18th December) are still planned, and in the new year, the SP races in the Italian Chiesa in Valmalenco centers ( January 21 and 22) and a week later in Cortina d’Ampezzo.

Didn’t you think so before?

I also have a specific job, we understand that. Rather, when they want something from you, do you realize that it’s no fun to make the game believable. I also enjoy the way the actors think about it. When they read the role, they try to see things that are not explicitly said there.

Don’t you also hear from actors that you have talent? You even shone during the film to announce last year’s King of the White Footprint…

Just that I hear it outside the acting environment, not from the actors… (smile) It may seem to people that I have acting talent, but I don’t have to play anything, I’m immediate and I don’t have much tremor. When I moderate, it’s not acting. But when I see myself playing and then an actor, I tell myself it’s a mess that’s what I’m trying to do. I can be in one position and they can change those positions incredibly.

When will he be in action in Beijing?
The fight for his third Olympic medal will start on Wednesday, February 9 at 4.00 CET (there are seven hours more in Beijing). The elimination races start at 7.30, the grand final is planned before nine o’clock in the morning. The premiere of the mixed doubles race will take place on Saturday, February 12. The quarterfinals are scheduled for 3.00, the battle for gold about an hour later.

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