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Olympics 2021. In Tokyo, the French like to play it together. Sport

The French team is currently carrying out of the Olympic Games quite honorable, with 22 medals won, including 6 in gold. If some French athletes shone individually, such as Romain Cannone (Fencing), Clarisse Agbegnenou (Judo) or Jean Quiquampoix (Tir), all crowned with an Olympic champion title, the Blues also stood out when they played as a team .

Starting with judo. And this memorable success in the mixed event, where Clarisse Agbegnenou, Axel Clerget, Teddy Riner, Sarah-Leonie Cysique and Romane Dicko beat the Japanese, big favorites, at home. They were imitated by the trio Erwann Le Pechoux, Enzo Lefort and Julien Mertine, during the Fleuret event, after a demonstration in the final against the Russian Olympic Committee.

Finally, the last gold medal came from the duo Hugo Boucheron and Matthieu Androdias, rowing sculls. And what about the girls of Rugby Sevens, who won the silver by losing in the final against the big favorites, the New Zealanders. Historical.

The good form of team sports

In Rio, five years ago, the French delegation had climbed to the podium 42 times, for ten titles. Twelve of these 42 medals were won as a team. In Japan, the French can improve this score, since all team sports teams, except football, are still in contention. The male basketball and handball players made a strong impression in the group matches. The volleyball players snatched their qualification against the Russian Olympic Committee. For girls, it also works, but more difficult for handball and basketball players.

On Monday, the French also have a real chance of a medal in the eventing competition. The Blues are third before the show jumping event.

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