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Olympic Champion Thea Lafond-Gadson Named Dominica’s International Sports Ambassador

Dominica welcomed Thea Lafond-Gadson, the Olympic triple jump champion, the first athlete from her country to win a medal at the Olympics. Her return home on Sunday, August 25, 2024, created a huge traffic jam on the roads. The government voted in a series of measures to reward the athlete for her historic feat.

Thea Lafond-Gadson’s arrival in Dominica was broadcast live on media and social networks.

She emerged from her plane on crutches. The athlete is recovering from surgery to repair a fractured cartilage in her right knee.

Despite this injury, she won the gold medal at the World Indoor Championship in March 2024 and at the Paris Olympics. She had made this choice. She wanted to participate in major sporting events at all costs.

Thea LaFond-Gadson, acclaimed in music in Dominica. • ©Facebook/Dominica Tourism Authority

Leaving the airport located on the Atlantic coast of the island, his procession headed towards Portsmouth, the second largest city in Dominica, located in the north of the country.

More and more vehicles and motorcycles joined the procession. Traffic was impossible between Portsmouth and the capital Roseau. It was a national traffic jam.

Arriving in Mahaut, Thea LaFond-Gadson’s hometown, vehicles no longer moved through the town’s narrow streets.

Despite the rain, the whole community came to greet the athlete. The country’s flags were everywhere. People were singing, crying and dancing.

When she got out of her car to walk through the crowd, everyone was rushing to take selfies with the athlete.

I couldn’t walk, you walked for me, you danced for me.

Thea Lafond-Gadson to Mahaut

It was at nightfall, nearly 5 hours after her plane landed, that she finally arrived in front of the Windsor Park stadium in Roseau, the capital. This was the site where the official welcome had been organized.

At center back, Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica waited hours for Thea LaFond-Gadson to arrive at Roseau Stadium. • ©Facebook/DBS radio

The country’s artists took to the stage one after the other.

Taking to the podium, Thea LaFond-Gadson, moved to tears, thanked the dignitaries of Dominica and the people for their support and love.

No matter where I am outside my country, no matter what podium I stand on, you are always with me. I want to make you proud. I want people to know my name and my country.

In his speech, Dominica’s Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit acknowledged the importance of Thea Lafond-Gadson’s example to the country’s youth.

Your country will always be by your side.

Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit announced the construction of a sports complex, dedicated to the development of athletics. The structure will bear the name of the champion.

Thea Lafond-Gadson was also named her country’s international sports ambassador.

She received a diplomatic passport. This privilege, which facilitates travel, was also granted to her husband who is also her coach.

On Independence Day on November 3, 2024, Thea Lafond-Gadson will be the guest of honor. She will receive the Order of Honor of Dominica, the nation’s highest award.

She also received a check for the equivalent of 350,000 euros and a 700m² plot of land located in the heights of her native commune of Mahaut with panoramic views of the sea and the mountains of Dominica.

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