Home » today » Sport » Olympic champion Taras Khtey supported the special operation: “It is necessary to bring Ukraine to its senses so that it turns its face towards its native Russia” – Volleyball

Olympic champion Taras Khtey supported the special operation: “It is necessary to bring Ukraine to its senses so that it turns its face towards its native Russia” – Volleyball

Olympic champion in London 2012 as part of the Russian national volleyball team Taras Khtei supported the special operation in Ukraine.

– I can’t help but ask about the attitude to the events that are taking place now in your small homeland – Ukraine…

– Indeed, how many relatives, acquaintances, friends, relatives I have there … But now the situation is such that Russia has decided on a really forced measure – a special military operation. After all, it is obvious to everyone: it was impossible to continue the disgrace that is happening in Ukraine. And the fact that all this needs to be eradicated there is a fact.

I fully support our President Vladimir Putin. Obviously, the time has come to think about our safety, about our future, about the future of our children.

– Living in Western Ukraine, you saw everything with your own eyes: despite the abundance of the “bandered” population, many local residents have been waiting and waiting for the return of peace and order – the one that only Russia is capable of establishing.

– What doubt can there be that Ukrainians and Russians are fraternal peoples? And I cannot understand how some brothers suddenly turned towards the West, dreaming that they would almost be carried there in their arms, and began to treat us as enemies?

I was born in the Lviv region, lived there until I was 15 years old. And then I watched what was happening in my native places – how the Russian language was banned there, how history was rewritten, how the Bandera cells that appeared in Lviv were launched throughout the territory of Ukraine. But I lived there and I know that 98% of the population of those places are absolutely normal people!

However, the fact that the authorities gave all the cards into the hands of the Nazis – I can only call them that – turned out to be a big disaster. Probably, the fact that they once sat at home and did not go anywhere with their ideas could still be endured. But when they went to other territories of Ukraine with their moralizing… It was impossible to endure it any longer.

The task is obvious: it is simply necessary to bring Ukraine to its senses so that it finally turns its face to its own sister, Russia. The West has done everything to push the fraternal peoples together so that hostilities begin. And Russia could not behave otherwise.

But I believe that this most difficult period of our common history will soon come to an end. As they say, we will clean out the lice – and everything will be fine, – said Khtei.

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