Home » Entertainment » Olli Schulz Uses Music to Stand Up Against Racism and Right-Wing Sentiments

Olli Schulz Uses Music to Stand Up Against Racism and Right-Wing Sentiments

For singer Olli Schulz, music is a “lubricant” to approach each other and stand up against racism. “We show that you are happier than people who sit alone in their little room, hate the unknown and build up any enemy images,” said Schulz in Leipzig, where he and his band last night at the “Leipzig Shows Courage” event at the stage.

Music connects people. “It’s important to show that our side of welcoming other people is stronger than the other.”

Message against right-wing sentiments

Schulz and his band are currently on a sold out tour of Germany. At the same time they were working on a new record. »Anyone who knows my music and me knows that I’m not a narrow-minded guy. I’ve always shown my composure, I used to be a little more radical. Today I sometimes think that it’s better to bring people together,” says Schulz.

That’s why he’s happy that young and old people come to him. “It’s always important to have the message: Don’t let your minds be turned by any questionable things.”

In addition to his music, Schulz is also known for the podcast »Fest & Flauschig«, which he has been publishing together with ZDF presenter Jan Böhmermann since 2016. Schulz was born in Hamburg in 1973 and lives in Berlin.

With the event “Leipzig shows Courage”, various Leipzig associations and initiatives have repeatedly positioned themselves against right-wing sentiments in the past. The organizing team also includes Prince frontman Sebastian Krumbiegel, who comes from Leipzig.

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2023-05-01 21:40:06
#Music #Olli #Schulz #lubricant #hatred

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