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Olivenza aspires to be a world heritage site | Radio Extremadura

Olivenza trusts that it can be declared a World Heritage Site of Bastioned Fortifications if it is part of the Portuguese candidacy with its municipalities of Valença do Minho, Almeida, Marvao and Elvas.

The mayor of Olivenza and provincial deputy, Manuel J González Andrade, together with the director of the González Santana Ethnographic Museum, Miguel Ángel Vallecillo, has presented in the Badajoz Provincial Council the publication that collects the minutes of the II Cross-Border Conference around ‘La Raya‘, which were held in the city in November of last year 2019.

The conference was sponsored by the Cabinet of Cross-Border Initiatives in collaboration with the Oliventino Council and the Badajoz institution, whose Provincial Printing Office has been in charge of the edition.

González Andrade highlighted the great interest that the conference aroused among Spanish and Portuguese university students and researchers, whose central theme was the altarpieces and tilework so characteristic in Portugal and abundant also in Olivenza. Also, the Oliventino mayor has announced various rehabilitation works, which are being carried out in the rich architectural heritage of the town.

The organizer of the conference, Miguel Ángel Vallecillo, explained that during two days a lot of information could be gathered about “an integrated artistic heritage where patrons, architects, sculptors, mestres, bricklayers, oleiros and painters forged the great creativity of the Lusitanian tile, reflection of so many arts and cultures ”.

With the aim of maintaining the celebration of the conference, the Olivenza City Council signed last year a collaboration protocol with the Center for Studies of Culture, History, Arts and Heritage of the Portuguese town of Vila Viçosa, where the third edition will take place from the same.

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