Home » today » News » Oligui Nguema orders the Task Force to investigate SEEG – Journal du Gabon

Oligui Nguema orders the Task Force to investigate SEEG – Journal du Gabon

The president of the movement decided this Friday, August 23, 2024, that an investigation would be carried out at the water and energy company of Gabon (SEEG).

With a view to shedding light on the problems affecting the company, including IT security breaches, suspected fraud, as well as the controversial decisions made by the management of the SEEG now, the president of the movement decided that a strict and thorough investigation would be done. done in this company. In fact, this will allow you to find anomalies in the management of SEEG and identify those responsible for these inappropriate practices and propose concrete solutions to correct this disturbing situation.

When we know that the company has experienced several problems in recent weeks as well as unprecedented light cuts, we note that the British group AGGREKO, an expert in energy production and its ‘ providing nearly 30% of electricity in Greater Libreville. , which has threatened to suspend its services if SEEG does not pay its debts which currently amount to 22.9 million Euros or almost 15 billion FCFA. We also note that a mafia network was discovered at SEEG’s IT department level.

According to the president’s press release, this investigation ordered by the Transitional President is part of a stated desire for transparency and the restoration of trust within this essential entity for the country. Let us remember that the results of this investigation are eagerly awaited, both by the public authorities and by the Gabonese people, in order to re-establish the truth and ensure the continuity of an essential public service that is the SEEG. Those responsible for this tragic situation must answer for their actions before the law.

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