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Olginate, “Your son beat mine.” Then he opens fire and kills him – Chronicle

Olginate (Lecco), 14 September 2020 – “Your son he beat mine. And now I’ll kill you. “ He thought it and he did it too. TO kill to defend the honor of his 25-year-old son He was beaten to death in the very early afternoon yesterday Stefano Valsecchi in Olginate at the gates of Lecco, Stefanino in the circles of local thugs, 48 ​​years old from the town he owns repeatedly pulled the trigger against Salvatore De Fazio, 47 years old from Belcastro in the province of Catanzaro, a long-time resident of the Lecco area, who died even before being transferred to hospital after being riddled in the head by at least four shots.

The alleged killer , that is on the run, he tended to him an ambush in the street just outside the house between via Albegno and via del Crotto, in front of the convent of Santa Maria la Vite near the former state road 36. In the settlement of accounts it is Alfredo De Fazio, 50, older brother of the victim, who miraculously escaped, also ended up in the middle ambushed because after being wounded he too is managed to escape and take refuge in the hall of the condominium where he lives. It was the survivor, who is now hospitalized in Varese not in danger of life, who revealed the identity of the alleged murderer and also the possible motive.

The young children of the victim Matthew and David of 25 and 23 years a few hours before shipping they would have again attacked and beaten twice by Michele Valsecchi, 25 years old, son of the alleged murderer: apparently there was bad blood among the boys for a long time, however it seemed that thanks to the mediation of some family friends the situation had been resolved. Instead, in the night between Saturday and Sunday, the umpteenth fight triggered the lethal revenge. “We are gathering all the elements to identify the perpetrator of the crime and ascertain the outlines of the story”, however, Colonel Claudio Arneodo, provincial deputy commander of the Carabinieri who is handling the case at the helm of the military of the Operational Department, merely comments with caution of Lecco and of the operational unit of the company of Merate.

That which apparently looks like a settling of scores for a misdemeanor to one’s child committed by a convicted person for thefts and minor crimes, it could be in facti a feud within a system of families linked to the ‘Ndrangheta that between Olginate and the neighboring Calolziocorte had and still have their strongholds: the whispered surnames are those of the Parisi and De Luca, affiliated with the Trovati clan that in the 90s raged from Lake Como to the Milanese hinterland.

“I am shocked , a murder like this, in broad daylight, in the street for all to see … – he comments the mayor Marco Passoni -. We hope there will be no more retaliation. “A few steps from the crime scene there were in fact moments of tension between the relatives and friends of the slain father of the family and those who were likely to guarantee a truce that did not hold up, with threats of further reprisals. Even in the Alessandro Manzoni hospital in Lecco, surveillance has been strengthened to prevent the relatives of the victim, whose body was reassembled in the mortuary of the hospital, from crossing those of the killer’s son who is hospitalized in the same Hospital.

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