Home » today » News » Oleiros denounces that only one primary care doctor attends the Santa Cruz health center | Radio Coruña

Oleiros denounces that only one primary care doctor attends the Santa Cruz health center | Radio Coruña

Only one primary care doctor attends these days to the users of the health center of Santa Cruz, as reported by the City council of Oleiros. A situation motivated, according to the local government, by the recent retirement of two of the doctors of the center and the loss of another. Urge the Board to resolve the situation.

The Oleirense Council points out that this doctor should not only attend to his quota of patients, to the displaced -many in summer-, to follow up those affected by coronavirus and referrals for emergency quotas in the afternoon. María Xosé Varela, first lieutenant mayor, is concerned: “We know they are giving a lot more by putting more than they can, but we believe it is inhumane for a doctor to be treating so many people, it is certainly a situation that can not be maintained in the time, and from the City Council of Oleiros we call on the Xunta de Galicia to solve this situation immediately “.

The consistory emphasizes that the center of Santa Cruz only has one pediatrician for a population of more than 10 thousand inhabitants and that of Mera lacks this feature.

The response of the A Coruña health area management responds that given the shortage of primary care physicians and coinciding with the summer period, the reordering of resources is common in summer and that health care is guaranteed at all times.

The management of CHUAC points out that in order to maintain the operation of the healthcare points, the PAC’s guards have been prioritized, secondly the coverage of healthcare centers with a physician, depending on the existing needs in each center.

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