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OLED technology with “micro lenses” is said to increase brightness to 1,200 nits

LG Display is reportedly working on a new OLED technology with “micro lenses”. This should increase the maximum brightness to 1,200 nits with reduced power consumption!

LG won’t let its competitor Samsung take the butter off its bread. This year, the media will focus on the new QD OLED technology and both companies will have to put up with the comparison with the market-dominating WRGB OLED TVs from LG Electronics. With marketing claims such as 1,500 nits of maximum brightness, Samsung has already made a name for itself in recent weeks. However, according to a report by LG Display thelec.kr already an answer to QD-OLED. New OLED displays with “micro-lenses” supposedly bundle the light beam in order to achieve a maximum brightness of up to 1,200 nits (the display size is still open). In addition, the power consumption of the OLED display should be reduced compared to regular OLED displays with the same brightness.

OLED.Ex improved with micro lenses?

As early as the second quarter of this year, LG Display is planning to use the OLED.Ex technology, with an increased luminance of 30 percent compared to its predecessor, on the majority of OLED models from 55 inches. If an OLED.Ex panel were equipped with the micro lenses mentioned, the peak brightness could increase by a whopping 50%. wishful thinking? According to the source, not at all. The new OLED displays with increased brightness should even be used in 2022.

Samsung is purchasing OLED panels from LG Display for the first time, but no new OLED.EX models ||  Image: LG DisplaySamsung is purchasing OLED panels from LG Display for the first time, but no new OLED.EX models ||  Image: LG Display
The OLED.Ex displays are not even in circulation yet, LG already has something better up its sleeve || Image: LG Display

50% more brightness (from 800 to 1,200 nits)

The maximum brightness of LG Display’s regular WRGB OLEDs is currently 800 nits. With control optimizations and a heatsink (OLED Evo), this value can be increased to around 1,000 nits. The same value that is also attributed to the new OLED.Ex panels with Deuterium material. The addition of a micro lens should increase the maximum luminance to 1200 nits.

Should the rumors come true, this would not necessarily be good news for LG Electronics’ current OLED line-up. Official communication of the “improved OLED display” does not mean that products with the new technology will also be available this year. However, the information could prompt undecided TV buyers to wait for the announcements at the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas in spring 2023, which could hurt sales figures this winter.

What do you think? Will LG go one step further this year, or will the Korean TV manufacturer be patient and cause a stir at CES in Las Vegas?

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