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Old SIM cards? They might be worth a fortune

Phone sim cards (via Pixabay)

Old phone cards that cost a fortune, there is always someone interested in buying them just for fun.

We all have old phone cards in the drawer. A sim old, most likely too big to fit into modern smartphones and therefore abandoned there, at the bottom of the cabinet. In fact, cutting sims is never recommended and the risk is that something goes wrong and everything has to be redone all over again, with an increased cost. Then there are people who may have changed their mobile number and embraced a new telephone operator, and then the old sims have been left somewhere. to gather dust. Well, now those old phone cards that you think are not even worth the attention necessary to throw them away, could be of interest to someone. In fact, there is a large international community of people who love to collect sims and phone cards that have rather bizarre characteristics.

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Old SIM cards? They might be worth a fortune

More and more people are taking an interest in the sim trading market. In fact, there are gods around phone card buyers ready to shell out crazy bucks to grab a card with particular characteristics. If you have a card with a weird number, well you probably have several hundred dollars on your hands. Some are more than willing to pay even thousands of dollars for a calling card that has a scale as a number. For example 3381234567 or pairs such as 3382233777 etc. The advice we give you, therefore, is to go and look for all the old sims you have and put them online for sale on some reliable site, such as Ebay. Who knows what they could offer you for a sim that until a few days before you had even forgotten existed. And then send us an email to thank us!

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