In the midst of the current food shortage in Cuba, inventive solutions emerge or resurface to alleviate the food situation in homes. This is the case of this “old clothes” with banana peels, which has gone viral these days on social networks, through a publication with photos and everything. We tell you.
Facebook user Anet Cazán, originally from Havana, detailed to thousands of users on social networks how she managed to make the typical ropavieja dish, without beef and using mostly an ingredient that anyone would throw away, shells of bananas.
The recipe was shared on a popular cooking group on Facebook (Recipes from the Heart), where many Cuban women and some Cubans, too, show their gastronomic creations. There the steps to achieve the unique result were explained.
“As we all know, in the early years of the 90s, Cuba went through a special situation, in which our brave grandmothers and mothers had to learn to do magic in the kitchen, some even won the “Nobel Prize” for their inventions. ”, the aforementioned user first pointed out.
Old clothes with banana peels?
The user added that a few days ago, while she was in the bread line in Cuba, “there was one of these beautiful ladies who survived this period, she was talking to a girl who was in line with her child, the girl said that “I was in need and the only thing I had to eat that day was the bread I was going to buy and a hand of green donkey banana that I had in my hand.”
“The magical lady explained to the girl that she could use the banana peels by making old clothes (…) listening to all that, curiosity flooded me from head to toe and I told myself, sometime I have to try this,” he added.
As it did? He explained that he boiled the banana peels, and after they had cooled, he passed a fork along their entire length on the inside, creating little grooves, then he passed the fork between these little grooves and the skin of the peel and thus removed the protein fibers. vegetable.
“Then I sautéed it in a small saucepan with a little oil and added, as the lady had said, just a little tomato puree and a little dry wine, salt to taste and a little sugar (…) I can tell you that it did not just to get out of a tight spot, the flavor is exquisite. I imagine that with other seasonings and condiments it would be even better,” she concluded.