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Oktoberfest cancellation: satire page provides new idea of ​​how to save the Oktoberfest

The Oktoberfest in Munich is over: The Oktoberfest 2020 will not take place because of the corona pandemic – it is a huge setback for all showmen. A satire magazine now has an idiosyncratic suggestion.

  • Since the beginning of Corona crisis in Munich* speculations ran for a possible one Oktoberfest cancellation.
  • Already on Monday evening (April 20), the indications of the end were condensed.
  • Prime minister Markus Söder and Munich IF Dieter equestrian informed about the cancellation at a joint press conference on Tuesday (April 21).

Update, 10:05 p.m .: Nothing is with Meadows this year! The Oktoberfest in Munich is because of Corona crisis called off. For many Showman, Waiters and takeaway owners this means in some cases loss of existence that jeopardizes their existence.

The Postillon satire magazine has now brought a very idiosyncratic proposal into the discussion on how Oktoberfest 2020 could still save: By one Delivery service through the operations from the festival site on the Theresienwiese to the Munich home.

The measure of beer to go? A jokingly suggested suggestion by a satire magazine to cancel the Oktoberfest.

© dpa / Karl-Josef Hildenbrand

It would not be satire if the overpriced prices at the world’s biggest fair were not the subject. So the partiers could get one for the usual price of eleven to twelve euros plus four euros delivery fee Beer order at home – probably an allusion to the high tips.

Oktoberfest cancellation: fans are enthusiastic about “Oktoberfest delivery service”

Furthermore, white sausages would be available at a price of 7.50 euros, or a pork knuckle with dumplings for a mere 21.60 euros. All just fun – that may comfort a little over the melancholy.

Many fans of the satire site responded Facebook at least excited. “The food is then delivered with the rickshaw and would be at my distance of 1.5km Meadows just quickly cost 50 euros more, what not to do for a little Oktoberfest feeling * ggg * ”, wrote one user.

Another Facebook user said: “Thank God. Perhaps you could still part the lawn from the Kotzhügel in small parcels (approx. 15x15cm) and with an order quantity of five sizes p.p. enclosed with the delivery. “

And another user wrote: “To get this delivered, you have to have a virtual table in the virtual one beforehand Beer tent get hold of. And then it really hangs there. “

After Wiesn-Aus: showmen plead for temporary amusement parks

Update, 11:16 a.m .: After the cancellation of the Oktoberfest and other popular festivals, the Showman one Rescue package for the industry.

The financial situation of the showmen is dramatic, said the president of the German Showman Association, Albert Ritter, the Bavarian radio on Wednesday. “If from the government side Ban on professional practice
If it is pronounced, then government must also help. ”Ritter also asked to check whether smaller ones Folk festivals not possible later in the year.

The South German Showmen’s Association also spoke out against a general end for popular festivals.

Instead, you could say temporary amusement parks establish that are family-friendly, the association chairman Lorenz Kalb told the “Nürnberger Nachrichten” (Wednesday). “Of course without admission. With significantly broadened visitor streets and controlled access to the individual companies. “

Update April 22, 8:48 a.m .: Not everyone in Munich is sad that the Oktoberfest has been canceled. Some even seem to feel a little bit malicious. This is also suggested by a comment on the Jodel social media platform.

“To all of you room during the Oktoberfest sublet and counted on the thousands of euros (black): I don’t have one pity with you, ”smirks a Munich man there in a post that is being discussed intensely.

After the Oktoberfest cancellation: Munich’s Oktoberfest profiteers – and triggers fierce debate

Many users do not want to leave the accusation like this. “If I live nearby, don’t want to go to Oktoberfest and go to my parents’ house for two weeks and rent it out (the apartment, editor’s note), there is no problem,” can be read in a comment. Another yodel user refers to the enriching Acquaintanceswhich he made as a “Oktoberfest landlord”.

You can also find it further down in the thread understanding for the violent accusation: “It’s not about the rental itself, but about the outrageous prices that are called up”.

Oktoberfest off due to Corona: Oktoberfest hosts express themselves – “hoped to the end”

Update, 9:55 p.m .: Even for those who are no longer so active Oktoberfest veterans is the Cancellation of the Oktoberfest
* an absolute novelty. “We couldn’t believe it until the end,” says the former owner of the Löwenbräuzelt, Ludwig Wiggerl Hagn, in an interview with the tz. In view of the corona situation, it was hardly surprising worldwide: “Behind one Protective mask to have a good mood of comfort is more of a rubbish, ”says Hagn. As well as Distance rules on the Beer bench.

Has been working for more than 60 years Wiggerl Hagn at the Oktoberfest, got his first own tent in 1979. There has never been a year off. “A Meadows must take place every year, ”he still says today. It’s just not possible this year. “I’m not mad at him mayor, not even upset Ischgl or whatever. ”Wiggerl Hagn was only worried about the effects of the cancellation: in 1957 the Munich carnival was canceled because of the Sinai war. “He has never recovered since then.”

Update, 8.30 p.m .: Open questions remain after the cancellation of the Meadows also for the people who have already planned their visit – and who have already reserved tables. The Landlords the big Marquees have already started informing their regular guests about the Oktoberfest, reports the tz. Spokesman Peter Island chamber gives a little hope: “Perhaps we can offer those who had already made reservations this year a permanent place in the coming year.”

Meanwhile, the hosts themselves have the news that the Meadows due to the Corona crisis is canceled, not yet digested. “I love the Oktoberfest more than anything – its cancellation hits me hard personally,” Weinzelt host Stephan Kuffler told the tz.

Inselkammer, landlord of the Crossbowman tent, “I hoped and worried until the end”. Inselkammer has not really realized the message yet: “I have to honestly say that I have been a year without an o’peg! still can’t imagine. “

In an exclusive interview with the tz explained Whether riders also, how it goes on – and whether the Oktoberfest 2021 will now even be extended*.

Oktoberfest cancellation due to corona virus: Good news from Munich breweries

5:26 pm: There is good news for Oktoberfest fans: The Oktoberfest beer will be brewed despite the cancellation, the association Munich breweries announced now.

Hofbrau Munich starts with the Brew beer already in April. According to spokesman Stefan Hempl, around 15 percent of the Oktoberfest beer from the State Hofbräuhaus was drunk at the Oktoberfest last year – that was 743,400 measures. In total, however, around five million liters were brewed, just under half of it for export. The rest went to the trade or the gastronomy.

It will be something this year fewer beer be – after all, pubs are closed and popular festivals are canceled. “It will probably not be queried in the crowd as usual,” explains Hempl.

Oktoberfest boss designs dark scenario according to bad news: “For many there is a threat …”

3.47 p.m .: The Oktoberfest is canceled, the corona crisis is penetrating more and more into everyday life. Florian Thomä, showman at the Oktoberfest has a grim forecast – until well after the Oktoberfest.

2.37 p.m .: The cancellation of Oktoberfest in the opinion of the showmen may not be the blueprint for other popular festivals. “The end of the Munich Oktoberfest 2020 must not automatically mean the end of all German folk festivals,” demanded the German Showmen’s Association on Tuesday.

“The festivals are of vital importance for the showmen and for the local population are central anchors of their social and cultural coexistence,” it said. The Oktoberfest cancellation should “not be an indicator that other public festivals in Germany must be canceled prematurely and prematurely from the end of August”.

The Oktoberfest is the worldwide Figurehead and flagship of the German folk festivals. No other festival is so present in the media, none draws so many visitors under its spell, is a magnet for millions of tourists from all over Europe, South-East Asia and the USA and welcomes up to 400,000 visitors in a single day. The Oktoberfest is a wonderful festival – but not representative of the 9750 other German folk festivals.

After the cancellation of the Oktoberfest: Wiesn boss designs a dark scenario: “For many there is a threat …”

2:11 p.m .: Numbers the City of Munich presented in their Rathaus-Umschau, impressively prove which economic consequences The Oktoberfest could have been canceled: More than 500 companies are at the Oktoberfest every year: from the marquee to chicken and sausage roasters to carousel companies and showrooms to pretzel, almond or souvenir stands.

Around 13,000 jobs are created at the Oktoberfest during the “Oktoberfest season”. 8,000 employees are employed on a permanent basis, and a further 5,000 find changing jobs at the Oktoberfest.

1:06 p.m .: The Oktoberfest cancellation is not unexpected, says Wiesnchef Clemens Baumgärtner (CSU). “It still hits me personally.” But: “The top premise must be that the largest folk festival in the world must not pose any health risk to the guests.”

From the landlord to the carousel operator to security guards, waitresses and pretzel vendors: For all of them, the cancellation is a hard blow. But above all, she meets them Showmansays Baumgärtner. “This industry will not generate any significant sales in 2020. For many, the economic threat is threatening. “

Oktoberfest 2020 was canceled due to the corona pandemic.

© dpa / Ken Liu

“Already because of the lengthy preparatory work at planning and the award can not be postponed to the Oktoberfest nor take place in another format, ”said the festival manager. “Organizing an emergency party would permanently damage the Oktoberfest brand. The Gesamtkunstwerk Oktoberfest either exists entirely – or not at all. ”

12.56 p.m .: The Oktoberfest 2020 was canceled. Now worry Contribution on Twitter for big confusion. Should the Oktoberfest 2020 will take place in North Rhine-Westphalia, for example?

Oktoberfest cancellation “must not lead to total damage to the hospitality industry”

12.14 p.m .: For the Bavarian that is already badly battered Hospitality is the cancellation of the Oktoberfest a new bad news. Association manager Thomas Geppert
said on Tuesday that the decision “must not lead to total damage to the hospitality industry, the industry needs the reduced VAT rate more than ever and a rescue fund.”

The cancellation is “not only for the city, but far beyond it is a huge loss”. Due to the economic interdependence, “large parts of the economy would clearly feel this loss”.

11.12 a.m .: The Oktoberfest 2020 in Munich has been canceled. Mayor Reiter and Prime Minister Söder announced the decision. Reactions it was not long in the net. Not all potential guests are sad, as a listing shows.

Extend Oktoberfest 2021 by a week? “Even if virus is no longer an issue next year …”

10.40 a.m .: The Vice President of the Bavarian State Parliament and Director of the Bavarian Memorials Foundation, Karl Freller (CSU) has one after the cancellation of the Oktoberfest 2020 due to the corona pandemic renewal of Oktoberfest brought into play the following year. “If the #Oktoberfest has to be canceled, then the Oktoberfest 2021 could be extended by a week. Just a suggestion … “, he wrote on Twitter last week.

An extension would also help the showmen and innkeepers who lack the income from this year, said Freller on Tuesday of the German Press Agency. In addition, this could somewhat correct the operation in the tents. “Even if the virus is hopefully no longer an issue next year, it won’t hurt.” In addition, guests from abroad would have a longer chance of catching up on a visit.

10:34 a.m .: “What I cannot imagine at all is a half-empty beer tent,” added Inselkammer host spokesman. Around the world, people know the pictures of people celebrating in tents filled to the last seat. Marquee visitors With Mouthguard would also have been difficult to imagine – last but not least, it would be impractical for a significant job at the Oktoberfest: “I imagine drinking a little difficult with it.”

10.09 a.m .: The Oktoberfest hosts reacted with great regret, but also with great understanding, to the Oktoberfest cancellation. “The health of our guests is particularly important to us and has top priority,” said the spokesman for the Oktoberfest hosts, Peter Inselkammer. The refusal also touched the hosts emotionally.

In addition to the Oktoberfest, there are also others according to the Prime Minister Folk festivals in the Free State in late summer and autumn before cancellation. If the Oktoberfest could not take place, then this also applies to “similar festivals” that took place in the same period Bavaria should take place.

Oktoberfest 2020 canceled: Reiter and Söder reveal the bitter consequences that could have

“We also think it would be irresponsible to do that there. You can’t make a beer tent at the Oktoberfest, but somewhere else. “

“It’s not just about the Oktoberfest, we have a few other festivals that are also short on time, be it Gillamoos or others that we have to make a similar decision here, ”Söder emphasized. The Gillamoos folk festival in Abensberg should actually take place in early September. But that too Autumn festival in Rosenheim was previously planned for late August to mid-September. According to Söder’s statements, their formal rejection seems to be only a matter of form. Others, like that Gäuboden folk festival in Straubinghave already been canceled.

Reiter also emphasized that there could be folk festivals, especially the Oktoberfest, of course, “but there simply weren’t any others during this time.”

Oktoberfest 2020 canceled: is that the right decision? Vote now!

9.55 a.m .: It was no longer a surprise what was announced this morning. But you can decisionto cancel the Oktoberfest 2020? Vote now!

9.12 a.m .: “A beer tent does not depend on people keeping their distance”, Söder continues the decision just announced. The Central agricultural festival also does not take place on the Theresienwiese. For him and the city of Munich, the scenario was an “emotionally and economically difficult moment,” said OB Reiter. According to the city, the Wiesn 2019 had an economic value of around 1.23 billion euros.

Statement in the video: Söder and Reiter explain why the Oktoberfest has to be canceled

content “src =” https://www.br.de/mediathek/embed/rundschau-extra-21042020-pressekonferenz-soeder-und-reiter-zur-wiesn-2020-av:5e9dd787d12b5e0013a1a859 “>

9.05 a.m .: Afterwards, Reiter also praised the good one collaboration: “It is very, very important to coordinate”. The Mayor of Munich explains that several hearts would beat in his chest. Reiter calls the cancellation an “enormously bitter pill” and refers to the considerable economic consequences: “Everyone will miss the Oktoberfest in their wallets”. The decision was not made easy. But there is little point in population even longer hope close. “We hope that we can catch up on it next year,” explains Reiter.

Oktoberfest cancellation due to Corona: Reiter speaks of “enormously bitter pill” – Söder noticeably affected

9.02 a.m .: Here we go. Riders and Söder are there. Söder begins with a thank you to his colleagues from the SPD: “We have so far mastered this difficult time for Bavaria very well. That was also due to Dieter Reiter. They are both big fans of the Oktoberfest. “Normally we would be very interested that this festival takes place. But we live in special times, ”says the Prime Minister and also refers to the incidents in Ischgl that have led to the spread of the Corona virus would have contributed.

It was agreed that the risk was simply too great. “It is simply not possible to keep your distance,” says Söder. Semi-alternatives are not realistic, “the Oktoberfest or nothing,” the Prime Minister announced cancellation. It is incredibly a shame, Söder sums up noticeably.

9.00 a.m .: “Beer tents naturally lend themselves to being a virus scraper,” explains an employee of the Bavarian Radio (BR) shortly before the political duo appear before the press. He also does not want to believe that the Oktoberfest can take place this year. In his assessment, he focuses on the concerns of the enormously battered showmen.

“Current status” or cancellation? Reiter and Söder comment on the Oktoberfest 2020

8.55 a.m .: In a few minutes, Dieter Reiter and Markus Söder step onto the podium in the State Chancellery to announce the eagerly awaited decision. Officially, the two politicians then only talk about the “current status” with regard to the plans.

8.32 a.m .: The Wiesn was canceled during the Second World War, only to be celebrated as a small “autumn festival” from 1946 to 1948. Since then, the Oktoberfest has never had to be canceled – is that changing today?

Oktoberfest off? Landlady causes trouble before important statement – Munich politicians bring alternatives into play

8.20 a.m .: Did she already know more? Oktoberfest landlady Verena Able (Marstall) seemed to have resigned itself to the cancellation of the Oktoberfest a few days ago. “Most likely by 2021. But hey, a year goes by quickly,” she commented on a picture of her marquee Instagram. Matching the hashtag: #staystrongohnewiesn. Other innkeepers are reported to have been less than enthusiastic about Able’s move.

Update from April 21, 8 a.m .: In an hour, the people of Munich should finally be certain how things are going for this year’s Oktoberfest. The tendency is clear: Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) and Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) will be at their joint press conference in the State Chancellery cancellation announce the Oktoberfest 2020.

Oktoberfest cancellation due to Corona: Some politicians hope for a change

Update, 10:55 p.m .: Although there are indications that the Meadows is canceled, keep compressing (please refer below), make voices out of the Munich town hall some hope. As the tz reports, wish several politicians held a small party instead of the Oktoberfest*. We are talking, among other things, of a party in a slimmed-down form “in a small frame”. A suggestion goes in the direction, a small one Firmly, without Beer tents, with a few Fairground ridesto align.

Oktoberfest 2020: Oktoberfest cancellation due to corona virus? Voices from the town hall demand something different

FW City Councilor Hans-Peter Mehling holds a slightly larger version of the “Oiden Oktoberfest” for conceivable. “Of course, above all distance and hygiene regulations would have to be adequately ensured.”

Jörg Hoffmann (FDP) would like to leave a back door open. The number of infected people may decrease drastically – or it may become one vaccine found. “But as of now I see the chance as very slim. And that makes me sad. “

CSU Mayor Manuel Pretzl says: “Without wanting to anticipate the decision of the city and the Free State: Without a vaccine or effective medication, I think it is difficult or impossible to do so Major event SPD leader Christian Müller sees it similarly: “The risk of a big one Wave of infection as a result, appears too high at the moment. “At the same time, it was right to take your time in making the decision. “A cancellation has many economically serious consequences for many people.” They also deal with Green Party leader Katrin Habenschaden. “Should the Meadows be canceled, you have to deal with the economic consequences. You could discuss that Meadows in the coming year to compensate for the cancellation a little this year. “

Corona Crisis: Oktoberfest-Out of a deal? OB Reiter and Söder make statements about the Oktoberfest

First registration April 20, 2020 – Munich – There was already plenty of speculation: Will it Meadows due to the Corona crisis can’t take place this year? Admittedly, due to the current through the Corona virus* The situation has not been in good shape for some time.

So far, nothing has been officially decided – but that could change on Tuesday (April 21). Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) and Munich’s Mayor Dieter equestrian (SPD) have announced at an official press conference together about their deliberations on the cancellation of the Oktoberfest to inform. The date has been announced for 9 a.m.

Oktoberfest 2020 canceled due to Corona crisis in Munich? Söder and Reiter inform about Oktoberfest

Already on Monday evening the trend was clear: like that picture reported that they had learned from internal circles that the end of the Oktoberfest was already certain. The official statement from Söder and equestrian but still follows.

Already several days in advance it was known that Söder and Reiter were on the same line with the topic. There was an intensive exchange. Already had last Sunday Munich IF equestrian the hope of one Meadows subdued during the Corona crisis in Munich. “It is currently difficult to imagine, because we are not only talking about German or Munich conditions, but worldwide conditions. And who that Oktoberfest knows, knows that it is the largest folk festival in the world. And then everyone can first say how likely he thinks that is, ”he said BR.

Coronavirus in Munich: Söder speaks at government declaration about Oktoberfest

Söder also spoke to his Government statement on Monday (April 20) briefly about that Oktoberfest. He and Reiter are “skeptical” whether “a festival in size, with internationality and under the conditions makes sense at all,” said the Prime Minister.

Folk festivals like the Gäuboden folk festival in Straubing in August, the cancellation was already made. Large events are initially prohibited until the end of August. The one planned from September 19 to October 4 Oktoberfest does not fall within this period. How the corona layer * will develop by then is not foreseeable.

Video: Söder has great doubts: This year’s Oktoberfest is at great risk


*tz.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Karl-Josef Hildenbrand

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