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Okondja: a mother and her daughter killed by a tree – AGP

Okondja, May 06, 2023 (AGP) – Cécile Kobi (mother) and Raïssa Antsagui (daughter) lost their lives on Friday, May 05, in Ngoma village, in the Sébé-Brikolo department in Haut-Ogooué (South -est), after a tree, uprooted by a storm, fell on them.

The facts occurred in Ngoma village, in the Mouniandji canton on the Okondja-Makokou road axis. A storm has bereaved a family. It was in threatening weather that Dame Cécile Kobi and her daughter Raïssa Antsagui went to the fields.

Unfortunately, the weather not being favourable, it got darker and darker and nature got the better of them. A strong storm fell to the point of uprooting a tree which put an end to their days.

Seized by the villagers, the gendarmes stationed at the Okondja brigade went to the scene of the tragedy for the usual formalities.


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