Home » today » News » Oil rose organizations want control, workers and strategy – 2024-04-05 15:00:55

Oil rose organizations want control, workers and strategy – 2024-04-05 15:00:55

The registered rose growers are nearly 3,000 with 53,670 decares, the processors are 67, the export for 2023 is for BGN 23.6 million.

Organizations participating in the Rose Oil Advisory Board called for increased control during the upcoming rose oil harvest campaign. The Ministry of Agriculture will organize inspections of the points of purchase and of the distilleries, as well as for the existence of contracts of purchase, as required by the Law on butter rose. Inspections will be carried out jointly with the National Nara Agency, the Labor Agency and the regional directorates “Agriculture” in the areas where rose oil is grown. This became clear from the meeting with the participation of the Minister of Agriculture Kiril Vatev.

The Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Alexander Yotsev emphasized the need to train experts to participate in inspections.

The Advisory Council decided to reconstitute the working group to draft a bill to amend and supplement the Oil Rose Law and Sector Development Strategy.

Due to the labor shortage for harvesting and the problems with one-day labor contracts that producers are experiencing, it was decided that the MOH will discuss the matter with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. The applications of organizations that want to join the council were considered.

According to the data of the “Plant Breeding” Directorate, as of March 7, 2024, there are 2,943 rose growers with 5,367 ha of registered areas in the register of rose growers, according to the Oil-bearing Rose Law. The registered processors are 67, and 53 are the registered objects for the processing of pink color. In the campaign for direct payments in 2023, 4,375.19 ha of oil rose and 4,076 plots of land have been applied for support. The number of farmers is 1,235.

For 2023, 1,370 kg of rose oil were exported from Bulgaria at an average export price of 9,168 euros/kg. (total revenue BGN 24,618,000) Exports are mainly directed to the USA, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and France. 79 kg originating from Turkey and China were imported.

Representatives of the Bulgarian Association of Bioproducts, the Bulgarian National Association of Essential Oils, Perfumery and Cosmetics, the Professional Association of Rose Growers in Bulgaria, the National Center for Public Health and Analysis, BABH, the Executive Agency for Variety Testing, Approbation and Seed Control, Institute on rose and essential oil crops, National branch union of producers of essential oil crops.

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