Home » Business » Oil Price Tomorrow: Update and Comparison from PTT, Bangchak, Shell, and PT Gas Stations in Czech

Oil Price Tomorrow: Update and Comparison from PTT, Bangchak, Shell, and PT Gas Stations in Czech

‘Oil price tomorrow’ 27 Aug. 23 Update the latest oil prices Gasoline, gasohol and diesel group czech oil price From 4 gas stations PTT or OR, Bangchak, Shell (Shell) and PT

Update oil price tomorrow’ (27 Aug. ’23) latest oil price From 4 major gas stations PTT, Bangchak, Shell, PT are as follows

Oil price tomorrow (27 Aug. ’23) PTT gas station.

High-speed diesel B20 price 31.94 baht / liter
Diesel price 31.94 baht/liter
Diesel B7 price 31.94 baht/liter
Gasohol E85 price 37.69 baht/liter
Gasohol E20 price 37.24 baht/liter
Gasohol 91 price 39.28 baht/liter
Gasohol 95 price 39.55 baht/liter
Gasoline price 47.34 baht/liter
Diesel Premium price 41.74 baht/liter
Super Power Gasohol 95 price 44.84 baht/liter

Petrol price tomorrow (27 Aug. ’23) Bangchak gas station

Premium diesel price 43.14 baht/liter
Diesel B7 price 31.94 baht/liter
Diesel price 31.94 baht/liter
High-speed diesel B20 price 31.94 baht / liter
Hi Premium 97 price 48.54 baht/liter
Gasohol E85 price 37.69 baht/liter
Gasohol E20 price 37.24 baht/liter
Gasohol 91 price 39.28 baht/liter
Gasohol 95 price 39.55 baht/liter

Petrol price tomorrow (27 Aug. ’23) Shell gas station

Shell Fuel Save Gasohol E20 price 38.24 baht/liter
Shell Fuel Save Gasohol 91 price 40.28 baht/liter
Shell Fuel Save Gasohol 95 price 40.55 baht/liter
Shell V-Power Gasohol 95 price 48.94 baht/liter
Shell Fuel Save Diesel B7 price 32.94 baht/liter
Shell V-Power Diesel B7 price 47.94 baht/liter

Petrol price tomorrow (27 Aug. ’23) PT gas station

Diesel B7 price 31.94 baht/liter
Diesel price 31.94 baht/liter
High-speed diesel B20 price 31.94 baht / liter
Gasohol 95 price 39.55 baht/liter
Gasohol 91 price 39.28 baht/liter
Gasoline price 47.84 baht/liter
Gasohol E20 price 37.24 baht/liter

*The above prices are average prices in Bangkok and its vicinity. These prices do not include local maintenance tax Bangkok

2023-08-26 11:15:00
#Oil #price #tomorrow #Aug #gasoline #gasohol #diesel #latest #update #pumps

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