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Oil is getting more expensive. Strong decline in reserves in the USA ᐉ News from Fakti.bg – World

Petrol prices continued to rise in Thursday’s session after a stable day in the West after data on the sharp drop in US energy stocks.

The US Department of Energy reported that gasoline sales decreased by 4.52 million barrels last week, gasoline by 3.3 million, and gasoline by 3.3 million and 4.8 billion, respectively. Anticipated by Bloomberg analysts expect a sharp drop in gasoline reserves by 1.5 million barrels, gasoline – by 1 million barrels and distillates – by 500,000 barrels.

Today, at 9:12 Bulgarian time, the price of September futures for Wrent copper increased by $1.04 on the London exchange ISE Futures to $107.86 per barrel. During the previous session, these contracts rose by $2.22 (2.1%) to $106.62 per barrel.

September futures for the American benchmark WTI are currently trading at $1.26 to $98.54 a barrel on the electronic tender of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). The price of these contracts increased by $2.28 (2.4%) to $97.26 per barrel.

Business of Petpol in Cat will be a junior with 200 hilles of a mini -for -a -to -one cedmo, the one in the 4. Daily news, news from the Ministry of Energy.

“Haмaлявaнeтo нa внoca и yвeличaвaнeтo нa изнoca дoвeдe дo pязĸo нaмaлявaнe нa зaпacитe oт пeтpoл в CAЩ – ĸaзa aнaлизaтopът нa Крlеr Maт Cмит. – Haмaлявaнeтo нa зaпacитe oт бeнзин и дecтилaт пoĸaзa, чe тъpceнeтo нa aвтoмoбилнo гopивo ce e пoвишилo минaлaтa ceдмицa.”

“It is important not to expect an increase in fuel prices, judging by today’s energy demand,” said Tapic Zakip, an analyst at Touche Sarital Advisers. “We believe that over the next few days and weeks, the price of WTI will once again rise above 100 dollars per barrel.”

Source: Money.bg

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